Operational Memoranda for the SFSP
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Limitations on reimbursement for meals served in the CACFP and the SFSP
Guidance on Site Selection Criteria during Reviews in the SFSP
USDA Memo SFSP 08-2024 and SP 15-2024
Non-Congregate Meal Service in Rural Areas: Q&As #2
Approved Levels of Meals for Vended Sites in the Summer Food Service Program
Meal Claim Validation in the Summer Food Service Program
Registered Food Service Management Company (FSMC) Reports for the SFSP
Initial Site Visits in the Summer Food Service Program
Assessing Costs in the Summer Food Service Program
Use of Other Programs’ Eligibility Information for Closed Enrolled Sites and Camps in the SFSP
SFSP Participation by Higher Education Institutions, Hospitals, and other Non-Profit Organizations under Contract with a FSMC
Sponsor and Site Application Requirements
Meal Service to On-Track Students at Year-Round Sites
Certifying Eligibility of National Youth Sports Program (NYSP) Sites to Participate in the SFSP
Certifying Eligibility of Sites Serving Migrant Children
For-Profit Locations as Meal Sites in the Summer Food Service Program