New Standard Service Rates for Eversource and United Illuminating (UI) customers, covering the period from January through June 2025, have been announced. Customers are encouraged to check the rate board for up-to-date supply rate options at Energize CT

PURA's Framework for an Equitable Modern Grid

Phase I
On October 2, 2019, PURA issued an Interim Decision in Docket No. 17-12-03
, PURA Investigation into Distribution System Planning of the Electric Distribution Companies. The Interim Decision outlines the Authority’s framework for investigating methods for realizing an equitable modern electric grid in Connecticut (Equitable Modern Grid Framework), as well as for near-term and long-term plans to ensure continued developments to Connecticut’s electric grid.

PURA established the following objectives for its Equitable Modern Grid Framework:

  1. Support (or remove barriers to) the growth of Connecticut’s green economy;
  2. Enable a cost-effective, economy-wide transition to a decarbonized future;
  3. Enhance customers access to a more resilient, reliable, and secure commodity; and
  4. Advance the ongoing energy affordability dialogue in the State, particularly in underserved communities.

Based on the foundational record established during Phase I of Docket No. 17-12-03, PURA identified eleven near-term topics to be investigated in three additional phases and associated time frames in order to realize the Framework’s objectives: 

 Clean and Affordable Energy (CAE) Unit 
 Reliability, Security, and Resilience (RSR) Unit

Phase II
(began in the fourth quarter of 2019)

  • Led by the CAE unit, this docket investigated energy affordability among all customer classes, while uncovering barriers to energy affordability and equity and developing solutions to those barriers. Key findings from the Interim Decisions in this Docket were implemented in Docket No. 21-07-01 and Docket No. 20-03-15, and will be included in future utility affordability programs. 

Led by the RSR Unit, the Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) docket is investigating the business case for the statewide deployment of AMI. The Authority’s investigation includes exploring AMI technologies and systems, including information technology, data management, and billing systems, among others. PURA has released a straw proposal to provide guidance to electric distribution companies (EDCs) and stakeholders regarding the goal, expectations, and requirements for EDC investments in AMI. The EDCs subsequently submitted revised AMI proposals.

Led by the CAE Unit, Docket No. 17-12-03RE03 investigated the initiation of a statewide electric storage program, culminating in a Final Decision published on July 28, 2021 authorizing the Energy Storage Solutions Program. In Docket No. 21-08-05, PURA established the rules and final program documents for the first year of the program, which began on January 1, 2022. Docket No. 22-08-05 will serve as the Year 2 annual review docket; subsequent review dockets will use a similar numbering convention

  • Led by the CAE Unit, Docket No. 17-12-03RE04 investigated the initiation of a statewide electric vehicle (EV) charging program, culminating in a Final Decision published on July 14, 2021 authorizing the Connecticut EV Charging Program. In Docket No. 21-08-06, PURA established the rules and final program documents for the first year of the program, which began on January 1, 2022. Docket No. 22-08-06 will serve as the Year 2 annual review docket; subsequent review dockets will use a similar numbering convention

  • Final Decision, 07/14/2021

  • 21-08-06 Year 1 Implementation, 12/15/2021     

  • Innovative Technology Applications and Programs (Innovation Pilots) (17-12-03RE05

Led by CAE Unit, the Authority is investigating a framework to support the development and deployment of innovative technologies that will provide electric customers net benefits at scale and utilizes the Electric Efficiency Partners (EEP) Program as a guide for lessons learned. Key principles of the Innovation Framework ultimately developed will be to encourage competition, minimize ratepayer exposure, and further Connecticut’s public policy goals.

The RSR Unit led and continues to monitor the Authority’s investigation into ways to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the EDCs’ current interconnection standards, processes, and procedures. All proposed changes to the EDCs’ interconnection standards, processes, and procedures come before the Authority through this docket.

The above decision authorized two standing stakeholder working groups, a technical working group and a policy working group, to discuss interconnection matters.

Phase III (began in the first half of 2020)

In the Non-Wires Alternatives (NWA) docket, overseen by the RSR Unit, the Authority is seeking to establish a transparent and competitive process for comparing potential non-wires alternative solutions against traditional distribution system capacity upgrades and other utility expenses to ensure that ratepayer benefits are maximized.  

  • Resilience and Reliability Standards and Programs (17-12-03RE08

Guided by the RSR Unit, the Authority established this docket to more comprehensively and effectively evaluate the effectiveness of the EDCs’ reliability and resilience programs. Underpinning PURA’s investigation is that the establishment of specific reliability and resilience targets and metrics will improve the effectiveness of these programs. As a related matter, the Authority is also reviewing the EDCs’ emergency response plans (ERPs) in this docket, incorporating key learnings from Tropical Storm Isaias.

  • Notice of Docket Timeline - Phase I, 06/23/21

  • Notice of Docket Timeline - Phase II, 06/23/21

  • Emergency Response Plans (ERPs): Filed by each EDC, these reports provide a framework by which each company will respond to large-scale emergency events. Specifically, the ERPs are a planning tool used by the EDCs to respond to, and recover from, events that affect public safety and cause outages and disruptions, while ensuring power is restored safely and efficiently.

  • Emergency Response Reports: Filed in compliance with Section 12 of Public Act 20-5 ("Take Back our Grid Act"), each EDC was directed to complete a cost-benefit analysis identifying the resources expended in response to the last five storm events classified as a level three, four or five and an analysis estimating potential damage and service outages, restoration management, planning for vulnerable and at-risk customers, and infrastructure condition. 

Led by the CAE Unit, this proceeding includes a full assessment of the current clean and renewable energy programs administered by the EDCs, such as, but not limited to, the Low Emission Renewable Energy Credit and Zero Emission Renewable Energy Credit Programs, the Shared Clean Energy Facility Program, Virtual Net Metering, execution of the clean and renewable energy projects selected through Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) procurements, and compliance with Connecticut’s Renewable Portfolio Standards.

Phase IV (RE10 began after the completion of the DEEP 2020 IRP; RE11 began after the passage of Public Act 20-5)

  • Building Blocks of Resource Adequacy and Clean Electric Supply (17-12-03RE10

In response to
DEEPs 2020
Integrated Resource Plan, the Authority established this proceeding, led by the CAE Unit, to ensure that cost-effective and efficient approaches are in place to deliver on the recommended pathways to achieving a one hundred percent zero carbon electric grid by 2040. 

The Authority established this proceeding, led by the CAE Unit, to (1) consider an interim rate decrease, (2) explore new rate designs that address the disproportionate impact of increased electric rates on the lowest income customers and (3) explore the need for Connecticut businesses to remain competitive with neighboring states through the consideration of economic development rates.

Navigate clean energy programs established under PURA's Equitable Modern Grid Initiative and related dockets