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March 15, 2007 – The Office of Policy and Management will administer the Revaluation Certification Examinations on Monday May 7, 2007 at 450 Capitol Avenue in Hartford. Examinations for Residential valuation, Commercial valuation, Personal Property valuation, and also for Supervisor will be offered at two sessions beginning at 8:30 AM and 1:00 PM. Applications for the examinations must be returned to OPM postmarked no later than Tuesday May 1, 2007. The application and other forms and materials related to certification may be found in the Certified Connecticut Revaluation Employee Guidebook. For further information, please contact Paul LaBella at (860) 418-6313 or paul.labella@po.state.ct.us or Marie Gunthrop at (860) 418-6284 or marie.gunthrop@po.state.ct.us.

February 7, 2007 – The Office of Policy and Management prepares the publication entitled Estimates of State Formula Aid to Municipalities, pursuant to §4-71a of the Connecticut General Statutes (CGS).

The February 7, 2007 edition of this publication contains data for 24 municipal grant programs that six state agencies currently administer.  Estimated payments for Fiscal Year 2006-07, Fiscal Year 2007-08 and Fiscal Year 2008-09 are included.  With respect to programs for which grantee-specific data are not available, the publication includes total estimated grant amounts.

Estimates for Fiscal Year 2006-07 reflect approved appropriations or expenditures. The Governor’s Recommended Budget for the biennium beginning July 1, 2007, which the General Assembly may amend, is the basis for the FY 2007-08 and FY 2008-09 grant estimates appearing in this publication.

Though not all-inclusive, this information should help provide a general guide to current and proposed overall grant funding levels. 

Prior year adjustments can significantly impact actual revenue grantees receive, especially with respect to education programs. The Department of Education periodically updates data for education grant programs. These data are available on the Agency's website: www.sde.ct.gov.

By August 15, 2007, the Office of Policy and Management will prepare an update of this publication, reflecting any changes to the Governor’s Recommended Budget that the General Assembly approves, as well as more current data for several programs.

February 7, 2007 – Staff of the Office of Policy and Management determines the annual personal property tax liability of nine telecommunications services companies that are subject to the provisions of §12-80a of the Connecticut General Statutes (CGS).

These companies pay the amount of their FY 2006-07 tax liabilities to municipalities, on or before April 1, 2007, for personal property they owned on the October 1, 2006 assessment date.

Calendar of Events

Job Opportunities

The following is a list of hyperlinks that direct you to information about job opportunities within the Office of Policy and Management and Connecticut State Government.