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Public Hearings & Meetings
Public Hearings & Meetings
September 5 2023
09/05/2023 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Room: CON Informational Session for Legislators - The purpose of this meeting is to provide legislators with an understanding of the Certificate of Need (CON) program and to hear from them about how the program or its execution might be modified or improved. The CON program is a review process that governs the establishment, construction, renovation, and major medical equipment acquisitions of health care facilities such as hospitals, nursing homes, home care agencies, and diagnostic and treatment centers. This is a virtual meeting and will be available to the public via CT-N.
September 6 2023
09/06/2023 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Room: Legislative Office Building, 300 Capitol Avenue, Hartford. Room 1C /virtual option available. The purpose of this meeting is to provide Connecticut stakeholders with an understanding of the Certificate of Need (CON) program. The CON program is a review process that governs the establishment, construction, renovation, and major medical equipment acquisitions of health care facilities such as hospitals, nursing homes, home care agencies, and diagnostic and treatment centers. Registration is required in order to participate virtually, please register by clicking on this link or copy and paste onto your browser: . Once you register, you will receive the meeting link.
July 12, 2023
07/12/2023 09:00 AM - 05:15 PM
Room: DN: 22-32612-CON Johnson Memorial Hospital, Inc. Public Hearing for the Termination of Inpatient Labor and Delivery Services by Johnson Memorial Hospital, Inc. This hearing will be held in person at the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority - 10 Franklin Square, New Britain, CT 06051. Pursuant to Section 149 of Public Act No. 21-2, as amended by Public Act No. 22-3, this hearing will also be held virtually via Zoom conference call. Dial In: 1 646 876 9923 Meeting ID: 852 5387 1587 Passcode: 898618 (Technical portion will be held at 9:00 am and public comments at 3:00 p.m.)
June 28, 2023
06/28/2023 09:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Room: DN: 19-32311-CON HHC Plainfield Surgery Center LLC. Remand Order in Docket No. HHB-CV21-6071501-S. Establishment of a New Outpatient Surgical Facility. Pursuant to Section 149 of Public Act No. 21-2, as amended by Public Act No. 22-3, this hearing will be held virtually via Zoom Conference call. Dial in: 1 646 876 9923 Meeting ID: 837 7089 0526 Passcode: 636282
June 1, 2023
06/01/2023 03:00 PM - 05:00 PM
Room: DN: 22-32594-CON - This is a continuation of the hearing that began on April 26, 2023. The hearing is being reconvened for the sole purpose of considering certain topics raised at the first session which were the subject of two late file requests. Those requests seek the disclosure of information compiled for purpose of obtaining antitrust clearance from the Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”) and the Connecticut Office of the Attorney General (“OAG”), and/or which constitute commercial or financial information. Please note that any information deemed confidential will be presented in two separate executive sessions, and separate Zoom links will be supplied directly to counsel for purposes of holding such executive sessions. Pursuant to Section 149 of Public Act No. 21-2, as amended by Public Act No. 22-3, this hearing will be held virtually via Zoom Conference call. Dial in: 1 646 876 9923 US (New York) Meeting ID: 828 6384 1128 Passcode: 362910
May 24, 2023
05/24/2023 09:30 AM - 05:00 PM
Room: DN: 22-32602-CON Lift Wellness Group, Inc. Public Hearing for the Addition of Mental Health Services - Adult & Adolescent PHO/IOP. Pursuant to Section 149 of Public Act No. 21-2, as amended by Public Act No. 22-3, this hearing will be held virtually via Zoom conference call. Dial In: 1 646 876 9923 Meeting ID: 867 9693 1758 Passcode: 595703 (Technical portion will be held at 9:30 am and public comments at 3:00 p.m.)
April 27, 2023
04/27/2023 10:30 AM - 06:00 PM
Room: DAY 2 - 22-32594-CON Yale New Haven Health Services Corporation and Prospect, CT. Inc. Transfer of Prospect CT, Inc. hospital systems (Prospect Manchester Hospital, Inc. d/b/a Manchester Memorial Hospital; Prospect Rockville Hospital, Inc. d/b/a Rockville General Hospital; and Prospect Waterbury, Inc. d/b/a Waterbury Hospital) and imaging equipment owned by said hospital systems to Yale New Haven Health Services Corporation. This hearing will be held in person at the Department of Public Health - 410 Capitol Avenue, Hearing Room 1, Hartford, CT 06134. Pursuant to Public Act No. 21-2, as amended by Public Act No. 22-3, this hearing will also be held virtually via Zoom conference call. Dial: 1 (305) 224-1968 Meeting ID: 828 6384 1128 Passcode: 362910 (Technical portion will be held at 9:30 a.m. and public comments at 3:00 p.m.)
April 26, 2023
04/26/2023 10:30 AM - 06:00 PM
Room: DN-22-32594-CON Yale New Haven Health Services Corporation and Prospect, CT. Inc. Transfer of Prospect CT, Inc. hospital systems (Prospect Manchester Hospital, Inc. d/b/a Manchester Memorial Hospital; Prospect Rockville Hospital, Inc. d/b/a Rockville General Hospital; and Prospect Waterbury, Inc. d/b/a Waterbury Hospital) and imaging equipment owned by said hospital systems to Yale New Haven Health Services Corporation. This hearing will be held in person at the Department of Public Health - 410 Capitol Avenue, Hearing Room 1, Hartford, CT 06134. Pursuant to Public Act No. 21-2, as amended by Public Act No. 22-3, this hearing will also be held virtually via Zoom conference call. Dial: 1 (305) 224-1968 Meeting ID: 828 6384 1128 Passcode: 362910 (Technical portion will be held at 9:30 a.m. and public comments at 3:00 p.m.)
April 19, 2023
04/19/2023 09:30 AM - 05:00 PM
Room: DN: 22-32586-CON Yale New Haven Hospital Acquisition of imaging equipment for ambulatory service locations, including two (2) MRI units, two (2) CT scanners, and two (2) PET-CT scanners (Hamden, Guilford, New Haven, North Haven). Pursuant to Section 149 of Public Act No. 21-2, as amended by Public Act No. 22-3, this hearing will be held virtually via Zoom Conference call dial: +1 646 876 9923 (New York) Meeting ID: 883 9168 3626 Passcode: 224455 (Technical portion will be held at 9:30 am and public comments at 3:00 p.m.)
April 4, 2023
Room: DN; 22-32538-CON Day Kimball Healthcare, Inc. and Covenant Health, Inc., transfer of ownership of a health care facility
February 22, 2023
02/22/2023 01:00 PM - 05:00 PM
Room: DN: 22-32504-CON Vassar Health Connecticut, Inc. d/b/a Sharon Hospital Continuation of Public Hearing for the Proposed Termination of Inpatient or Outpatient Services (Intensive Care Unit) by Vassar Health Connecticut, Inc. d/b/a Sharon Hospital. Pursuant to Section 149 of Public Act No. 21-2, as amended by Public Act No. 22-3, this hearing will be held virtually via Zoom Conference call dial: +1 646 876 9923 (New York) Meeting ID: 828 7732 3149 Passcode: 347949. (This second session will begin at 1 pm)
February 21, 2023
02/21/2023 03:00 PM - 05:00 PM
Room: DN: 20-32392-CON Encompass Health Rehabilitation Hospital of Danbury, LLC. Encompass Health Rehabilitation Hospital of Danbury has requested an oral argument regarding the Proposed Final Decision issued on 9/21/2022. Pursuant to Section 149 of Public Act No. 21-2, as amended by Public Act No. 22-3, this hearing will be held virtually via Zoom conference call dial: +1 646 876 9923 (New York) Meeting ID: 876 6883 5443 Passcode: 396063
February 15, 2023
02/15/2023 09:30 AM - 04:00 PM
Room: DN: 22-32504-CON Vassar Health Connecticut, Inc. d/b/a Sharon Hospital Proposed Termination of Inpatient or Outpatient Services (Intensive Care Unit) by Vassar Health Connecticut, Inc. d/b/a Sharon Hospital. Pursuant to Section 149 of Public Act No. 21-2, as amended by Public Act No. 22-3, this hearing will be held virtually via Zoom Conference call dial: +1 646 876 9923 (New York) Meeting ID: 828 7732 3149 Passcode: 347949 (Technical portion will be held at 9:30 a.m. and public comments at 3:00 p.m.)
February 14, 2023
02/14/2023 03:30 PM - 05:30 PM
Room: DN: 22-32515-CON Landmark Recovery of Connecticut, LLC has requested an oral argument regarding the Proposed Final Decision issued on 12/8/2022. Pursuant to Section 149 of Public Act No. 21-2, as amended by Public Act No. 22-3, this hearing will be held virtually via Zoom conference call dial: +1 646 876 9923 (New York) Meeting ID: 886 5473 8926 Passcode: 659413
January 11, 2023 (Rescheduled from October 4, 2022)
01/11/2023 09:30 AM - 04:00 PM
Room: DN: 21-32445-CON Hartford Healthcare Corporation d/b/a HHC Surgery Center Holdings, LLC & Litchfield Hills Surgery Center, LLC Proposal for Transfer of ownership of 51% of Litchfield Hills Surgery Center, LLC to HHC Surgery Center Holdings, LLC. Pursuant to Public Act No. 22-3, this hearing will be held virtually via Zoom Conference call this hearing will be held virtually via Zoom Conference call dial: +1 646 876 9923 (New York) Meeting ID: 820 6195 0101 Passcode: 011447 (Please note: Technical portion will be held at 9:30 a.m. and public comments at 3:00 p.m.)