Promoting affordable care
Connecticut's Healthcare Benchmark Initiative plays a key role in improving the health of residents by ensuring access to affordable, high-quality health care.
The Healthcare Benchmark Unit leads programs and resources desgned to:
The Healthcare Benchmark Unit leads programs and resources desgned to:
- Improve healthcare quality and equity
- Reduce healthcare delivery costs
- Encourage lower-cost payment models
- Grow primary care spending as a percentage of overall spending
Benchmarks, studies, and reports
Cost Growth Benchmark Initiative Report
The 2022 Cost Growth Benchmark report shows the growth in total healthcare expense for most CT residents, plus healthcare spending trends, and cost drivers.
Primary Care Spend Target Initiative Report
The 2022 report measures primary care spending as a percentage of total medical spending, with a goal of reaching 10% by 2025.
Quality Benchmark Initiative Report
The 2022 Quality Benchmark Initiative Report shows the progress that has been made to improve outcomes in the quality of healthcare in CT.
Cost Growth Benchmark Implementation Manual
See instructions for payers and providers on data reporting, due dates, and where to upload the data.
Alternative payment model (APM) manual
Learn about the technical and operational procedures that OHS employs to assess the adoption of APMs.
Prescription Drug Reporting System
Report required notices, information, and data from prescription drug sponsors and manufacturers.
Healthcare Benchmarks Initiative leadership
Stakeholder Advisory Board
The Stakeholder Advisory Board (SAB) members are consumers, providers, employers, and health plan carriers who provide input and feedback to the Healthcare Benchmark Initiative.
Steering Committee
The Healthcare Benchmark Initiative Steering Committee includes senior stakeholders, subject matter experts, state agency executives, and consumer advocates.
Quality Council
The Quality Council advises OHS on clinical quality, patient safety, consumer experience, and over and under-utilization benchmarks and measures.
Data Analytics Workgroup
The Data Analytics Workgroup advises the Steering Committee on opportunities for reducing the cost growth of healthcare in the state and data use strategy.
Technical Team
Learn about the HCBI Technical Teams’ work to set benchmarks for 2026-2030.