Resource and Publications

hospital symbol and person behind desk

Tools for health

The Office of Health Strategy (OHS) offers many sources of information for healthcare providers, facilities, pharmaceutical companies, and other related groups. These tools support strategies that will make healthcare more accessible and cost-effective, ensuring better health for the people of Connecticut.

Recent hospital and healthcare reports

Report cover

Statewide Health Care Facilities and Services Plan

The Statewide Health Care Facility and Services Plan and accompanying inventory, effective March 15, 2025, serve as advisory documents and a blueprint for health care delivery in Connecticut.
Prescription drug symbols

Report on Pharmacy Benefit Manager Practices

This detailed analysis of the complex pharmacy supply chain also provides concepts for consideration to lower the cost of prescription drugs and increase transparency with PBM practices.
Report cover

Connecticut Hospitals Financial Status

This comprehensive report explores the financial stability of hospitals and health systems across Connecticut.  Detailed analysis of leading financial indicators, changes in Medicaid ratios and other topics are included. 

Find requests for proposals

See RFPs for Family Bridge and the Pharmacy Benefit Manager Study.

Family Bridge 

Find Family Bridge Evaluation and Sustainability RFPs.

Pharmacy Benefit Manager 

Get Pharmacy Benefit Manager Study RFPs.

All RFP info 

Get all RFP files and other OHS data and reports.

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Access this consumer-friendly tool to evaluate quality, costs and affordability of healthcare services and coverage.


Search for required filings and notifications, including Certificate of Need.

Public meetings and hearings 

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Open solicitations 

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FOI request 

Learn how to submit a Freedom of Information request for data collected by OHS.

Trauma activation fee 

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Find OHS Publications

Find key OHS guides, reports and news to help you navigate the healthcare landscape.

CON Guidebook (PDF) 

The Certificate of Need (CON) Guidebook provides program details, including when to submit forms and which ones to use.


Find publications or statutory reports related to your specific interest in healthcare.

Press room 

Read the latest news, press releases, announcements, and other updates from the OHS Communications team.
