
Bond-Funded Projects

Bond-funded projects require going out to bid with state-approved contractors. Bond funding has historically been utilized for projects such as lighting, rooftop unit replacements, boiler/chiller replacements, window replacements, building automation controls or EMS controls.

View Previously Approved Bond-Funded Projects

Agency Projects

GreenerGov CT is proud to showcase successful projects accomplished at state agencies that have resulted in environmental benefits and cost-savings. 

View Previous Agency Projects

Project Teams

Project Teams have been assembled to support the development and implementation of sustainable projects and initiatives in state government. These nine project teams consist of delegates from almost every state agency in Connecticut along with other private and public state entities providing consulting as needed. Each of the project teams is chaired by one of the co-chairing agencies of Governor Lamont’s Executive Order 1 and is categorized as either an Impact Team or System Team. You can read an in-depth description of the goals and deliverables for each project team in the Project Team Outline.

Meet the Impact Teams

The Impact Teams are vital to develop the suite of strategies needed to achieve the goals of Executive Order 1, pilot test them, refine them, and/or create standard operating procedures that will, over time, become “business as usual” for all agencies.

Renewable Energy

Energy Efficiency

Sustainable Materials Management

Sustainable Water Use

Clean and Efficient Transportation

Meet the System Teams

The System Teams focus on improving processes, protocols and developing tools to ensure that the state’s sustainability efforts for this initiative are widely understood by the public and providing value to agencies. 

Process Improvement


Public Engagement

Sustainability in Leased Spaces


Content Last Updated March 25, 2021