Scheduling Veteran burials

Read time: 6 minutes

We strongly recommend next of kin use a licensed funeral director to assist them in making funeral and burial arrangements. They are professionals that perform a great service. Your funeral director will coordinate all aspects of your service with our office and any other service provider necessary.

All scheduling is done on a first come, first served basis. In no case will a burial be scheduled until all required documents are received. The following documents are required:

  1. DVA Form CMS-1 (Request for Burial)

  2. DVA Form CMS -2 (USC 2411 (Compliance)

  3. DD Form 214 establishing eligibility of the Veteran for burial

  4. Completed death certificate. Interim or working copies are not acceptable.

  5. Headstone or Niche Cover Application. The application must be completed, reviewed by our staff, and signed by the designated next of kin.

  6. Completed DVA Form CMS-5 (Statement of Understanding)

  7. Burial permit. Provided to cemetery personnel on the day of the burial.


Required forms:

  1. DVA Form CMS-1 (Request for Burial)

  2. DVA Form CMS-2 (USC 2411 Compliance)

  3. DVA Form CMS-4a (Upright Headstone)

  4. DVA Form CMS-4b (Niche Cover)

  5. DVA Form CMS-4c (Upright Headstone (Dependent (Back))

  6. DVA Form CMS-4d (Upright Headstone (Dependent (Front))

  7. DVA Form CMS-5 (Statement of Understanding)
