Health Services

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  • Person-Centered Medical Home Plus (PCMH+)

    PCMH+ provides person-centered, comprehensive and coordinated care. The purpose of this webpage is to provide PCMH+ Participating Entities with program information and updates.

  • Nursing Facility Cost Reports

    Connecticut Medicaid Rate Setting Reimbursement and CON Unit Nursing Home Cost Reports.

  • HUSKY (Medicaid) Coverage for Breast and Cervical Cancer

    Medicaid Coverage for Breast and Cervical Cancer aims to support the health of women receiving breast and cervical cancer screenings and services by providing full Medicaid coverage for them. This program works in conjunction with the Department of Public Health’s Connecticut Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program.

  • Information for Skilled Nursing Facilities about Interim (Hardship) Rate Requests in the Medicaid Program

  • Birth to Three

    Medicaid Reimbursement information for the Birth to Three program.

  • Connecticut AIDS Drug Assistance Program (CADAP)

    CADAP is a service that helps eligible Connecticut residents with HIV or AIDS afford the cost of medications approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

  • Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics

    In August 2015 the State of Connecticut, specifically the Departments of Social Services, Mental Health and Addiction Services, and Children and Families, submitted an application for the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) funding opportunity 16-001, Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics Planning Grant.

  • Children Health Insurance Program (CHIP) State Plan Amendment

    HUSKY B is Connecticut’s Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP, also known as Title XXI). HUSKY B provides a free or low cost health insurance program for children and youth up to age 19 for families who are not income eligible for HUSKY A.

  • Covered Connecticut Demonstration

  • Connecticut Home Care Program for Elders (CHCPE)

    This program provides services to help eligible residents live in the community. Eligible applicants must be 65 years of age or older, be at risk of nursing home placement and meet the program’s financial eligibility criteria. To be at risk of nursing home placement means that the applicant needs assistance with critical needs such as bathing, dressing, eating, taking medications and toileting. CHCPE helps clients continue living at home instead of going to a nursing home. Each applicant’s needs are reviewed to determine if he/she may remain at home with the help of home care services.

  • Medicaid Nursing Home Reimbursement

    Under the Connecticut Medicaid program, payment rates for nursing homes are set on a cost-based prospective basis in accordance with Section 17b-340 of the Connecticut General Statutes and Section 17-311-52 of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies.

  • Medicaid Waiver Applications

    The CT Department of Social Services is the single state agency for the Medicaid program and is responsible for the overall administration of the program, including all federal Medicaid Waivers. This section will provide the notice of the Department of Social Services’ intention to submit a federal Medicaid Waiver application to the Centers on Medicare and Medicaid Services. Medicaid Waiver applications may include a submission for a new Medicaid waiver application, renewal or amendment.