Tuberculosis Control Program


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World TB Day – March 24, 2021

Día Mundial De La Tuberculosis – 24 De Marzo

World TB Day News & Events

The History of World TB Day

Information About Tuberculosis (TB)

The mission of the Connecticut Tuberculosis (TB) Control Program is to interrupt and prevent transmission of TB, prevent emergence of drug-resistant TB,  and reduce and prevent death, disability, illness, emotional trauma, family disruption, and social stigma caused by TB. Tuberculosis is a potentially fatal disease transmitted through the air and is fully treatable and preventable. It particularly affects persons living in crowded conditions and in poverty (e.g., homeless) and persons who have HIV infection (e.g., injection drug users).

The TB Control Program (Program) works in collaboration with health care providers and municipal health departments to conduct surveillance for TB disease and latent TB infection, screening, treatment, and containment activities.

Program activities include:

  • Identifying all persons diagnosed or suspected of having TB through reporting to the Program by health care providers, local health authorities and laboratories.
  • Collecting and reviewing information about the risk factors for TB.
  • Conducting drug sensitivity testing.
  • Monitoring treatment to assure that drug treatment is properly prescribed and that patients ingest their medication as prescribed.
  • Providing directly observed therapy (DOT) and directly observed preventive therapy (DOPT).
  • Collecting and reviewing information about contacts exposed to infectious individuals to assure that contacts are tested and evaluated and offered therapy so that they do not develop TB disease.
  • Offering TB skin testing, HIV antibody testing, clinical evaluation and DOPT to high risk individuals, particularly those with HIV infection, to prevent the development of active TB disease.

The TB Control Program works closely with local health authorities, home care agencies, providers of medical care, the Department of Corrections, and drug treatment facilities to assure that the program mission is accomplished. Through state funding, the Program provides anti-tuberculosis medications to hundreds of medical clinicians; reimburses clinicians for TB diagnostic treatment and prevention services for the uninsured; provides consultation on TB case management and screening to local health departments, prisons, convalescent/nursing homes, schools, universities, hospitals and other health care providers; and has a special TB Elimination Advisory Committee to help develop state-specific guidelines for TB treatment and prevention.

The Connecticut Department of Public Health, Tuberculosis Control Program, is located at 410 Capitol Avenue, MS# 11TUB, Hartford, CT 06134 and can be reached by calling (860) 509-7722.

07/30/2019: Connecticut Tuberculosis Risk Assessment

11/21/2016: Electronic Directly Observed Therapy (eDOT) Guidelines and Procedures

08/22/2016: Update on Policy for Distribution of Purified Derivative Protein (PPD) 

World TB Day

Standards of Care for Connecticut

Latent TB infection regimen - 12 week INH/Rifapentine by DOT

Tuberculosis Payment and Billing Policy and Forms

Nucleic Acid Amplification (NAAT) Testing for Mycobacterium Tuberculosis at the DPH Laboratory