Submitting a Healthcare Complaint

Anyone with knowledge or concerns about the care of a patient/resident in a licensed healthcare facility may file a complaint with their State Survey Agency. Facility Licensing and Investigation Section (FLIS) is the agency that has regulatory oversight for all the licensed healthcare entities in the state.

You may click this link FLIS Complaint Submission to file a complaint if you are concerned about the health care, treatment, or services that you or another person received or did not receive in the facility. Some reasons for filing a complaint would include abuse, neglect, poor care, not enough staff, unsafe or unsanitary conditions, dietary problems, or mistreatment.

In order to process your complaint in a timely manner, please:

  • Complete the online form (FLIS Complaint Submission) in its entirety to the extent possible, including your contact information
  • Include any names and phone numbers with whom you have already filed a complaint
  • Upon successful complaint submission you will receive a confirmation number. Please save this number for any follow-up inquiries regarding the filed complaint.

Professional staff will review your concerns and determine how the department will proceed.

For any assistance(Reportable/Adverse Events, LTCF COVID-19 daily reporting, ePOC, MDS assessments, Complaints submission) please submit a ticket to FLIS at

The Connecticut Department of Public Health maintains both the Hospice and Medicare Home Health Hotlines that receive complaints specifically about home health services. The toll free number is: (800) 828-9769.