Suggested Questions to ask During a Nursing Home Visit

Health Care and Service Related Questions
  • Can residents retain their personal physician if they wish?
  • Will a resident be moved out of the facility if additional care is needed?
  • Do residents have input in the development of care plans?
  • Are rehabilitation programs and therapies offered, as appropriate?
  • What are the policies on "do not resuscitate" and "advance directives"?
  • If applicable, does the facility meet the Alzheimer's Association criteria?
  • Does the facility offer specialized programs or services?
Staffing Related Questions
  • What is the staff to resident ratio?
  • What are the facility's hiring and staffing policies?
  • How are prospective employees screened?
  • What kind of training do new employees receive?
Accommodation Questions
  • Is there adequate privacy and space in resident rooms?
  • What personal possessions are permitted in resident rooms?
  • How are items protected from theft?
  • If rooms are shared, how are roommates selected?
  • What happens if roommates are not compatible?
  • What are the policies on transfer and relocation of residents?
  • Are there activity rooms and lounge areas for resident use?
  • Are the bathing and food preparation areas clean and accessible?
Meals and Resident Activity Questions
  • Are meals served in an appealing manner and at proper temperature?
  • Are meals served in an appealing manner and at proper temperature?
  • Ask to sample a meal.
  • Are there food choices?
  • Are there accommodations for special diets?
  • Are snacks and drinks available between meals?
  • Is there an active residents' council?
  • Are special events held at or outside the facility and what is scheduled?
  • Are there religious or cultural activities offered?
Survey and Inspection Questions
  • When was the facility's last survey conducted? (Look up the latest survey results here)
  • Is the most recent survey report available in the facility? If so, where is it?
  • Have cited deficiencies been corrected?
  • If corrected, when and how were they corrected?
  • How will the facility prevent them from recurring?
  • If deficiencies are not yet corrected, what is the facility's plan for correcting?
Payment Related Questions
  • Is the facility approved to accept Medicare or Medicaid patients?
  • What is the billing and payment policy?
  • What is included in the daily/monthly rate?
  • Are there any additional charges?
  • How long will the bed be held if the resident is hospitalized?