The Federal Government has reopened Every household can order four over-the-counter COVID-19 tests for free. These tests are intended to detect currently circulating COVID-19 variants. Please visit for your free test.

Provider Registration Guidelines and Training for CMS Systems - MDS/OASIS/ePOC/PBJ/CASPER

Provider Registration Guidelines for CMS Systems:

All providers must request a CMSNet User ID to access secure CMS sites (e.g., submissions pages / reports)

Requesting access to CMS systems requires two steps to obtain two separate login IDs

Step 1:

Use the CMSNet Online Registration application to request a CMSNet User ID. 
The CMSNet ID is needed to access secure CMS sites (e.g., submissions pages/reports)

CMSNet Online Registration Instructions 

Step 2:

Use the QIES online User Registration tool to obtain a QIES Submission ID. 
Once you have registered for a CMSNet User ID, you will receive an email from containing your login information. Using this information you will connect through the 'CMS Secure Access Service'.

Once securely connected, select the 'CMS QIES Systems for Providers' link to access the QIES online 'User Registration' tool. New users must utilize the online 'User Registration' tool to obtain a QIES Submission login ID (the only exception is Corporate/Third-Party accounts).

Please NOTE: CMS allows a total of TWO (2) Individual User accounts per facility. **Exception: CMS allows a total of FOUR (4) ePOC user accounts**

You can also visit this CMS online Access forms link for CMS Systems (Hospice-IRF-LTCH-Swing Bed Access, ePOC Access, MDS Access, PBJ Access, OASIS Access).

CMS Provider Training:

Please click this Provider Training link to access CMS training videos and other reference materials for your respective provider type.

Home Health Agency (HHA) - Click here for Referrence & Manuals

Hospice - Click here for Referrence & Manuals

Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility (IRF-PAI) - Click here for Referrence & Manuals

Long Term Care Hospital (LTCH) - Click here for Referrence & Manuals

Nursing Home (MDS)/Swing Bed - Click here for Referrence & Manuals