OCH: Climate and Health Equity Coalition

The Connecticut Department of Health Office of Climate and Public Health (DPH OCH) applied for and received CDC Building Resilience Against Climate Effects (BRACE) funding. BRACE is a five-step process that allows health officials to develop strategies and programs to help communities prepare for the health effects of climate change. As part of the BRACE framework, DPH has proposed two specific adaptation actions in the domains of heat and air quality. DPH has also started building capacity within our agency and will be hiring a Climate Coordinator.


As part of the BRACE grant OCPH is committed to building a cross-cutting coalition to advise on the monitoring, evaluation, implementation, and dissemination of the BRACE activities, designed to advance adaptation and resiliency planning in Connecticut. This Coalition will be comprised of diverse and inclusive stakeholders with a range of skills, expertise, and perspectives, as well as representatives of populations disproportionately impacted by climate change. The coalition will build the community’s capacity to address climate-related health equity and provide oversight on the adaption activities, as follows:


  • Provide technical/strategic advisory on the development, implementation, dissemination activities and evaluation of Adaptation Action Project Plans.

  • Review draft of Climate Compendium, provide feedback, and identify knowledge gaps.

  • Review climate and health curriculum materials for Local Health Departments/Districts (LHDs), identify gaps and offer feedback.


Upcoming Meetings and Schedule

Unless otherwise noted, the Coalition meets on quarterly the third Wednesday of the month via Microsoft Teams.


Past Meetings and Resources

Date Information
July 17, 2024 Agenda, Slides
 April 17, 2024 Slides, Meeting Notes
 January 30, 2024 Slides, Meeting Notes


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