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New Haven Brewery Square Bulkhead Rehabilitation Project

New Haven Brewery Square Bulkhead Rehabilitation Project (Source: New Haven Independent)


The State of Connecticut’s primary goal in allocating a portion of the funding for the rehabilitation of public facilities is to restore a suitable living environment in disaster impacted areas by rehabilitating or reconstructing existing public facilities, including those public facilities that primarily serve LMI persons. The State also intends to make repairs in a manner that supports energy conservation/efficiency objectives and responsible growth as well as transit-oriented development (See CDBG-DR Action Plan). For the purposes of these guidelines, the State has allocated $2,200,000 toward the rehabilitation or reconstruction of public facilities.

Infrastructure unmet needs are limited to the repair or replacement of existing infrastructure. The largest unmet need identified to date in the area of infrastructure is the repair or replacement of drainage systems. However, roads and seawalls also have significant unmet repair and rebuilding needs. These three areas constitute over seventy-six percent (76.26%) of repair and replacement activities identified. In total, nearly 99% of the activities identified as having unmet needs are located in Fairfield and New Haven counties. For the purposes of these guidelines, the State has allocated $4,000,000 toward the repair or replacement of existing infrastructure.

HUD guidelines allow the State, like other states to which it has allocated CDBG-DR Program funds, to opt to expend up to 15% of its CDBG-DR funds for planning activities. It is important for Connecticut to be proactive in anticipation of future natural disasters. Accordingly, DOH intends to expend just over $2 million in planning activities to assist in the planning processes associated with improving the resiliency of infrastructure and public facilities, and providing mitigation activities in the areas of the State that are eligible for the expenditure of the funding.

Second Tranche Infrastructure Program


Notice of Funding Availability

Program Guidelines Revised


Application Form (PDF)

Application Form (Word)


Awarded Projects


Projects Tranche 1

Projects Tranche 2


Environmental Public Notices


New Haven Union Ave-Early Notice

NH East Shore Erosion Control-Early Notice

West Haven-Old Field Creek Dredging Early Notice

West Haven-Beach Street Public Notice

West Haven-Old Field Creek Dredging Early Notice


Infrastructure News & Announcements

August 29, 2017