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Planning for Mitigation and Resiliency Program

The State recognizes that future storms may severely damage homes, businesses, infrastructure and public facilities in municipalities throughout Connecticut. It is essential that our infrastructure and public facilities be hardened in anticipation of these events. A portion of these Planning funds will be used to assist the State, regional planning agencies, and/or local governments to plan resiliency and mitigation investments. Based on input from other state agencies and local governments, DOH intends to support a coordinated effort to promote consistency in resiliency and mitigation planning across State agencies and local governments, training and capacity building initiatives to promote preparedness, hazard mitigation, and future disaster resilience at the local, regional and state level, and specific studies to coordinated, cost effective long-term resiliency and mitigation investments, including the development of “green” initiatives.

Funding Priorities for planning projects:

ssb-spinny The ability of the project to address conditions that threaten health and safety of either occupants or public safety

ssb-spinny Projects that contribute significantly to the long-term recovery and economic revitalization of the affected area

ssb-spinny Mitigation – cost effective resiliency and other activities designed to make people and property less vulnerable and minimizing reoccurrence of storm damage whenever possible

ssb-spinny Restoration or replacement planning of infrastructure damaged as a result of Superstorm Sandy, especially for projects that are vital for the redevelopment of residential properties damaged as a result of Superstorm Sandy

ssb-spinny Resiliency/mitigation activities related to potable water or waste water systems

ssb-spinny Resiliency/mitigation activities related to roads and drainage systems

ssb-spinny Resiliency /mitigation of transportation systems and controls

ssb-spinny Resiliency/mitigation of energy systems

ssb-spinny Projects that enable the State to satisfy the federal requirement

ssb-spinny That at least 80% of the funding must be spent in Fairfield and New Haven Counties

For purposes of these guidelines, the State has allocated a total of $9,029,000 toward Planning for Mitigation and Resiliency projects. Under the First Tranche, the State allocated $2,029,000 and $7,000,000 was allocated under the Second Tranche of CDBG-DR program. All funds for the First Tranche allocation has been fully obligated and on September 30, 2015, DOH released a Notice of Funding Availability directed to eligible applicants seeking assistance for planning activities associated with improved resiliency of infrastructure and public facilities within eligible counties.


Planning for Mitigation & Resiliency. All CDBG-DR Planning funds have been fully obligated.

Application Closed

Program Guidelines



Funded Projects

Planning for Mitigation and Resiliency Projects Tranche 1

Planning for Mitigation and Resiliency Projects Tranche 2