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Project #5066 - Two Family House 

 About the Multifamily Rehabilitation Program:

The Multifamily CDBG-DR assistance programs will provide funding for necessary expenses related to disaster relief, long-term recovery and restoration of multifamily housing impacted as a result of Superstorm Sandy. This assistance will target eligible Low to Moderate Income (LMI) multifamily properties with unmet need, including public housing, HUD-assisted housing, McKinney-Vento funded shelters and housing for the homeless, which were damaged by Superstorm Sandy and depending upon particular program requirements, located either within or outside the 100 or 500 year floodplain in any eligible community located in the four designated counties with emphasis on properties located in Fairfield and New Haven counties.


For purposes of these guidelines, the State has allocated $26,000,000 toward Multifamily Assistance for properties affected by Hurricane Sandy. The State of Connecticut Department of Housing (DOH) will offer Community Development Block Grant – Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) assistance through the three following multifamily housing programs:

ssb Scattered Site Rehabilitation and Rebuilding Program (SSRR) (non-owner occupied)

ssb Multifamily Rehabilitation Program (Outside the floodplain) (MFRO)

ssb-spinny Multifamily Rehabilitation/Rebuilding & Mitigation Program (Inside the floodplain) (RRMI)


About the Scattered Site Program

The Scattered Site Rehabilitation and Rebuilding Program is designed to assist non-owner occupied properties consisting of 1-4 units.

In general, the State’s housing recovery programs are designed to meet the unmet housing needs of the communities most impacted by Superstorm Sandy in Fairfield and New Haven counties (i.e. the rehabilitation, reconstruction, and mitigation that insurance, FEMA and any other sources of funding does not cover). The Scattered Site Rehabilitation and Rebuilding program (SSRR) design is to assist people directly affected by Superstorm Sandy. This program, SSRR, will provide funding both to property owners that need only rehabilitation assistance and to those that need substantial rehabilitation or reconstruction assistance as well as mitigation.




Multifamily Rehabilitation Program

Application CLOSED

Washington Village Flood Management Certification Exemption

Application Material:
1-T&B Cover to DOH
2-DEEP FMC Exemption Application
3-DEEP FMC Deficiency Questions
4-Response to DEEP Deficiency
5-Response to DEEP Additional Questions

Environmental Public Notification
Early Notice 8 Step DOH CDBG-DR (Washington Village)

The Scattered Site program is currently closed. 
Please call our office at 1-860-270-8261 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday for questions regarding eligibility.
Step by Step Process for the SSRR Program