Fact Sheets

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  • Common Gartersnake

    Fact sheet about the Common Gartersnake produced by the Connecticut DEEP Wildlife Division.

  • Common Ribbonsnake

    Fact sheet about the Common Ribbonsnake produced by the Connecticut DEEP Wildlife Division.

  • River Otter

    Fact sheet about the River Otter produced by the Connecticut DEEP Wildlife Division.

  • Mudpuppy

    Fact sheet about the Mudpuppy produced by the Connecticut DEEP Wildlife Division.

  • Gray Fox

    Fact sheet about the gray fox produced by the Connecticut DEEP Wildlife Division.

  • Gray Squirrel

    Fact sheet about the Gray Squirrel produced by the Connecticut DEEP Wildlife Division.

  • Grasshopper Sparrow

    Fact sheet about the Grasshopper Sparrow produced by the Connecticut DEEP Wildlife Division.

  • Leatherback Sea Turtle

    Fact sheet about the Leatherback Sea Turtle produced by the Connecticut DEEP Wildlife Division.

  • King Rail

    Fact sheet about the King Rail produced by the Connecticut DEEP Wildlife Division.

  • Ruffed Grouse

    Fact sheet about the Ruffed Grouse produced by the Connecticut DEEP Wildlife Division.

  • Least Shrew

    Fact sheet about the Least Shrew produced by the Connecticut DEEP Wildlife Division.

  • Spotted Turtle

    Fact sheet about the Spotted Turtle produced by the Connecticut DEEP Wildlife Division.

  • Northern Black Racer

    Fact sheet about the Northern Black Racer produced by the Connecticut DEEP Wildlife Division.

  • Painted Turtle

    Fact sheet about the Painted Turtle produced by the Connecticut DEEP Wildlife Division.

  • Marbled Salamander

    Fact sheet about the Marbled Salamander produced by the Connecticut DEEP Wildlife Division.