Endangered, Threatened, and Special Concern Plants
Bog rosemary, threatened
Status |
Common Name |
Scientific Name |
E | Balsam fir (native populations only) | Abies balsamea |
SC | Virginia copperleaf | Acalypha virginica |
E | Sandplain agalinis+ | Agalinis acuta |
E | Yellow giant hyssop | Agastache nepetoides |
E | Purple giant hyssop | Agastache scrophulariifolia |
E | Small white snakeroot | Ageratina aromatica |
T | Short-awned meadow-foxtail | Alopecurus aequalis |
SC | Sea-beach amaranth*^ | Amaranthus pumilus |
T | Bog rosemary | Andromeda polifolia var. glaucophylla |
SC | Sharp-lobed hepatica | Anemone acutiloba |
T | Canada anemone | Anemone canadensis |
E | Sea-coast angelica | Angelica lucida |
SC | Hairy angelica* | Angelica venenosa |
SC | Field pussytoes* | Antennaria howellii ssp. petaloidea |
SC | Puttyroot* | Aplectrum hyemale |
E | Dwarf mistletoe | Arceuthobium pusillum |
SC | Dragon's-mouth* | Arethusa bulbosa |
SC | Needlegrass | Aristida longespica var. geniculata |
E | Arrowfeather | Aristida purpurascens |
E | Beach needle grass | Aristida tuberculosa |
SC | Purple milkweed | Asclepias purpurascens |
SC | White milkweed* | Asclepias variegata |
E | Green milkweed | Asclepias viridiflora |
SC | Mountain spleenwort | Asplenium montanum |
T | Wallrue spleenwort | Asplenium ruta-muraria |
SC | Bracted orache | Atriplex glabriuscula |
T | Swamp birch | Betula pumila |
SC | Beck's water-marigold | Bidens beckii |
E | Eaton's beggarticks | Bidens eatonii |
SC | Downy wood-mint* | Blephilia ciliata |
SC | Hairy wood-mint* | Blephilia hirsuta |
SC | Bayonet grass | Bolboschoenus maritimus ssp. paludosus |
SC | Salt marsh bulrush | Bolboschoenus novae-angliae |
SC | Little grape fern* | Botrychium simplex |
E | Sideoats grama-grass | Bouteloua curtipendula |
T | Reed bentgrass | Calamagrostis stricta ssp. inexpansa |
SC | Short-stalked false bindweed* | Calystegia silvatica |
SC | Low bindweed* | Calystegia spithamaea |
SC | Purple cress | Cardamine douglassii |
SC | Summer sedge | Carex aestivalis |
E | Broadwing sedge | Carex alata |
T | Foxtail sedge | Carex alopecoidea |
SC | Water sedge | Carex aquatilis ssp. altior |
E | Back's sedge | Carex backii |
E | Barratt's sedge | Carex barrattii |
SC | Bush's sedge | Carex bushii |
E | Brown bog sedge | Carex buxbaumii |
E | Chestnut-colored sedge | Carex castanea |
SC | Collins' sedge* | Carex collinsii |
T | Crawe's sedge | Carex crawei |
SC | Crawford sedge* | Carex crawfordii |
T | Clustered sedge | Carex cumulata |
T | Davis' sedge | Carex davisii |
E | Meager sedge | Carex exilis |
SC | Bronze sedge | Carex foenea |
SC | Handsome sedge | Carex formosa |
SC | Hitchcock's sedge | Carex hitchcockiana |
T | Mud sedge | Carex limosa |
E | Boreal bog sedge | Carex magellanica |
SC | Troublesome sedge | Carex molesta |
SC | Black-edge sedge* | Carex nigromarginata |
SC | New England sedge | Carex novae-angliae |
SC | Eastern few-fruit sedge | Carex oligocarpa |
SC | Few-seeded sedge* | Carex oligosperma |
SC | Few-flowered sedge* | Carex pauciflora |
E | Variable sedge | Carex polymorpha |
SC | Prairie sedge | Carex prairea |
E | Cyperus-like sedge | Carex pseudocyperus |
E | Reznicek's sedge | Carex reznicekii |
E | Schweinitz's sedge | Carex schweinitzii |
SC | Dioecious sedge | Carex sterilis |
SC | Hairy-fruited sedge | Carex trichocarpa |
SC | Tuckerman's sedge | Carex tuckermanii |
SC | Cattail sedge | Carex typhina |
E | Little green sedge | Carex viridula |
E | Willdenow's sedge | Carex willdenowii |
E | Indian paintbrush | Castilleja coccinea |
SC | American bittersweet | Celastrus scandens |
E | Devil's-bit | Chamaelirium luteum |
E | Hairy lip-fern | Cheilanthes lanosa |
SC | Red goosefoot* | Chenopodium rubrum |
E | Yellow thistle | Cirsium horridulum |
E | Long-bracted green orchid | Coeloglossum viride |
SC | Long-leaved redtop-panicgrass* | Coleataenia longifolia ssp. elongata |
SC | Early coral root | Corallorhiza trifida |
T | Yellow corydalis | Corydalis flavula |
E | Pygmyweed | Crassula aquatica |
SC | Bushy frostweed* | Crocanthemum dumosum |
SC | Low frostweed | Crocanthemum propinquum |
SC | Elliptical rushfoil* | Crotonopsis elliptica |
E | Slender cliff-brake | Cryptogramma stelleri |
SC | Blue waxweed* | Cuphea viscosissima |
SC | Hazel dodder* | Cuscuta coryli |
SC | Wild comfrey* | Cynoglossum virginianum |
SC | Ram's-head lady's-slipper* | Cypripedium arietinum |
SC | Yellow lady's-slipper | Cypripedium parviflorum |
E | Showy lady's-slipper | Cypripedium reginae |
SC | Tufted hairgrass | Deschampsia cespitosa |
E | Large-bracted tick-trefoil | Desmodium cuspidatum |
SC | Dillenius' tick-trefoil | Desmodium glabellum |
SC | Sessile-leaf tick-trefoil* | Desmodium sessilifolium |
SC | Squirrel corn | Dicentra canadensis |
SC | Stiff-leaved rosette-panicgrass* | Dichanthelium ovale ssp. pseudopubescens |
E | Tall swamp rosette-panicgrass | Dichanthelium scabriusculum |
SC | Round-fruited rosette-panicgrass* | Dichanthelium sphaerocarpon var. isophyllum |
SC | Pale-leaved rosette-panicgrass* | Dichanthelium xanthophysum |
E | Narrow-leaved glade fern | Diplazium pycnocarpon |
SC | Appalachian white-aster* | Doellingeria infirma |
SC | Whitlow-grass | Draba reptans |
SC | Thread-leaf sundew* | Drosera filiformis |
SC | Tall cinquefoil | Drymocallis arguta |
E | Mountain wood-fern | Dryopteris campyloptera |
SC | Goldie's fern | Dryopteris goldiana |
E | Bur-head | Echinodorus tenellus |
E | Horsetail spikesedge | Eleocharis equisetoides |
SC | Small-fruited spikesedge* | Eleocharis microcarpa var. filiculmis |
E | Square-stemmed spikesedge | Eleocharis quadrangulata var. crassior |
SC | Wiegand's wild rye | Elymus wiegandii |
SC | Virginia snakeroot | Endodeca serpentaria |
SC | Marsh horsetail* | Equisetum palustre |
E | Meadow horsetail | Equisetum pratense |
E | Dwarf scouring rush | Equisetum scirpoides |
E | Parker's pipewort | Eriocaulon parkeri |
T | Hare's tail | Eriophorum vaginatum var. spissum |
E | White thoroughwort | Eupatorium album |
E | Rough aster | Eurybia radula |
T | Showy aster | Eurybia spectabilis |
E | False mermaid-weed | Floerkea proserpinacoides |
E | Bog bedstraw | Galium labradoricum |
SC | Purple cudweed* | Gamochaeta purpurea |
SC | Creeping snowberry | Gaultheria hispidula |
T | Dwarf huckleberry | Gaylussacia bigeloviana |
E | Stiff gentian | Gentianella quinquefolia |
SC | Bicknell's northern crane's-bill* | Geranium bicknellii |
SC | Dwarf rattlesnake plantain* | Goodyera repens var. ophioides |
SC | Kidneyleaf mud-plantain* | Heteranthera reniformis |
SC | Seabeach sandwort | Honckenya peploides |
SC | Featherfoil | Hottonia inflata |
T | Longleaf bluet | Houstonia longifolia |
E | Golden-heather | Hudsonia ericoides |
T | Woolly beach-heather | Hudsonia tomentosa |
SC | Fir clubmoss* | Huperzia appressa |
SC | Green violet* | Hybanthus concolor |
E | Goldenseal | Hydrastis canadensis |
E | Water pennywort | Hydrocotyle umbellata |
E | Whorled pennywort | Hydrocotyle verticillata |
SC | Virginia waterleaf | Hydrophyllum virginianum |
SC | Creeping St. John's-wort* | Hypericum adpressum |
SC | Great St. John's-wort | Hypericum ascyron |
T | Inkberry (native populations only) | Ilex glabra |
E | Small whorled pogonia^ | Isotria medeoloides |
SC | Weak rush* | Juncus debilis |
T | Two-flowered cynthia | Krigia biflora |
E | Carolina redroot (native populations only) | Lachnanthes caroliniana |
SC | Illinois pinweed* | Lechea racemulosa |
E | Saltpond Grass | Leptochloa fusca ssp. fascicularis |
SC | Creeping bush-clover | Lespedeza repens |
SC | New England blazing-star | Liatris novae-angliae |
E | Scotch lovage | Ligusticum scoticum |
SC | Lilaeopsis | Lilaeopsis chinensis |
SC | Mudwort | Limosella australis |
E | Twinflower | Linnaea borealis ssp. americana |
SC | Sandplain flax* | Linum intercursum |
E | Yellow flax | Linum sulcatum |
E | Lily-leaved twayblade | Liparis liliifolia |
T | Dwarf bulrush | Lipocarpha micrantha |
SC | Many-fruited false-loosestrife* | Ludwigia polycarpa |
E | Globe-fruited false-loosestrife | Ludwigia sphaerocarpa |
E | Foxtail clubmoss | Lycopodiella alopecuroides |
SC | Clasping-leaved water-horehound | Lycopus amplectens |
SC | Climbing fern | Lygodium palmatum |
SC | Stagger-bush* | Lyonia mariana |
E | Winged loosestrife | Lythrum alatum |
T | Three-leaved false Solomon's-seal | Maianthemum trifolium |
SC | Bayard's white adder's mouth* | Malaxis bayardii |
E | White adder's-mouth | Malaxis brachypoda |
E | Green adder's-mouth | Malaxis unifolia |
E | Tall millet-grass | Milium effusum |
E | Mountain sandwort | Minuartia glabra |
SC | Naked miterwort | Mitella nuda |
E | Large-leaved sandwort | Moehringia macrophylla |
E | One-flower wintergreen | Moneses uniflora |
E | Long-awn hairgrass | Muhlenbergia capillaris |
E | Slender water-milfoil | Myriophyllum alterniflorum |
E | Cutleaf water-milfoil | Myriophyllum pinnatum |
T | Northern water-milfoil | Myriophyllum sibiricum |
SC | Large yellow pond lily* | Nuphar advena |
SC | Small yellow pond lily* | Nuphar microphylla |
E | Bog aster | Oclemena nemoralis |
SC | Sundrops* | Oenothera fruticosa |
E | Prairie goldenrod | Oligoneuron album |
E | Stiff goldenrod | Oligoneuron rigidum |
E | Gravel-weed | Onosmodium virginianum |
E | Northern adder's-tongue | Ophioglossum pusillum |
E | Southern adder's-tongue | Ophioglossum vulgatum |
SC | Eastern prickly pear | Opuntia humifusa |
SC | Golden club | Orontium aquaticum |
SC | One-sided pyrola* | Orthilia secunda |
SC | Violet wood-sorrel | Oxalis violacea |
E | Small's ragwort | Packera anonyma |
E | Balsam groundsel | Packera paupercula |
SC | American ginseng | Panax quinquefolius |
T | Bitter panicgrass | Panicum amarum var. amarum |
SC | Warty panic grass* | Panicum verrucosum |
SC | Hairy forked chickweed* | Paronychia fastigiata |
T | Field paspalum | Paspalum laeve |
SC | Thin paspalum* | Paspalum setaceum var. psammophilum |
T | Swamp lousewort | Pedicularis lanceolata |
E | Smooth cliff-brake | Pellaea glabella |
T | Sweet coltsfoot | Petasites frigidus var. palmatus |
SC | Wild kidney bean* | Phaseolus polystachios var. polystachios |
SC | American reed | Phragmites americanus |
E | Red pine (native populations only) | Pinus resinosa |
E | Slender mountain ricegrass | Piptatherum pungens |
E | Sickle-leaved golden aster | Pityopsis falcata |
SC | Hoary plantain | Plantago virginica |
E | White-fringed orchid | Platanthera blephariglottis |
E | Yellow-fringed orchid | Platanthera ciliaris |
SC | Tall white bog orchid* | Platanthera dilatata |
SC | Pale green orchid | Platanthera flava var. herbiola |
SC | Hooker's orchid* | Platanthera hookeri |
SC | Large round-leaved orchid* | Platanthera orbiculata |
SC | Clammy-weed* | Polanisia dodecandra |
SC | Alternate milkwort | Polygala ambigua |
E | Field milkwort | Polygala cruciata |
T | Nuttall's milkwort | Polygala nuttallii |
E | Seneca snakeroot | Polygala senega |
SC | Seabeach knotweed | Polygonum glaucum |
E | Small-flowered leafcup | Polymnia canadensis |
T | Swamp cottonwood | Populus heterophylla |
E | Tuckerman's pondweed | Potamogeton confervoides |
E | Fries' pondweed | Potamogeton friesii |
T | Capillary pondweed | Potamogeton gemmiparus |
E | Hill's pondweed | Potamogeton hillii |
E | Ogden's pondweed | Potamogeton ogdenii |
E | Straight-leaved pondweed | Potamogeton strictifolius |
T | Vasey's pondweed | Potamogeton vaseyi |
SC | Alleghany plum* | Prunus alleghaniensis |
SC | Graves beach plum* | Prunus maritima var. gravesii |
SC | Goose grass* | Puccinellia pumila |
E | Torrey mountain-mint | Pycnanthemum torrei |
SC | Bur oak | Quercus macrocarpa |
E | Water-plantain spearwort | Ranunculus ambigens |
E | Seaside crowfoot | Ranunculus cymbalaria |
SC | Creeping spearwort* | Ranunculus flammula var. reptans |
SC | Bristly buttercup | Ranunculus pensylvanicus |
T | Labrador tea | Rhododendron groenlandicum |
SC | Fragrant sumac (native populations only)* | Rhus aromatica |
E | Needle beaksedge | Rhynchospora capillacea |
T | Tall beaksedge | Rhynchospora macrostachya |
E | Long-beaked beaksedge | Rhynchospora scirpoides |
SC | Skunk currant | Ribes glandulosum |
SC | Swamp black currant* | Ribes lacustre |
SC | Wild currant | Ribes rotundifolium |
E | Swamp red currant | Ribes triste |
SC | Shining rose* | Rosa nitida |
T | Toothcup | Rotala ramosior |
SC | Sand blackberry | Rubus cuneifolius |
E | Dew-drop | Rubus dalibarda |
SC | Sea-side dock* | Rumex persicarioides |
SC | Large marsh pink* | Sabatia dodecandra |
E | Marsh pink | Sabatia stellaris |
E | Northern arrowhead | Sagittaria cuneata |
SC | Awl-leaved arrowhead | Sagittaria subulata |
E | Quill-leaved arrowhead | Sagittaria teres |
E | Sandbar willow | Salix exigua |
E | Bog willow | Salix pedicellaris |
SC | Slender willow | Salix petiolaris |
E | Lizard's tail | Saururus cernuus |
E | Pod grass | Scheuchzeria palustris ssp. americana |
SC | Purple oat | Schizachne purpurascens |
T | Hard-stemmed bulrush | Schoenoplectus acutus |
T | Torrey bulrush | Schoenoplectus torreyi |
SC | Chaffseed*+ | Schwalbea americana |
SC | Georgia bulrush* | Scirpus georgianus |
SC | Long's bulrush* | Scirpus longii |
E | Few-flowered nutrush | Scleria pauciflora var. caroliniana |
E | Reticulated nutrush | Scleria reticularis |
E | Whip nutrush | Scleria triglomerata |
SC | Low nutrush* | Scleria verticillata |
E | Hyssop skullcap | Scutellaria integrifolia |
E | Small skullcap | Scutellaria parvula var. missouriensis |
E | Sweet-scented Indian-plantain | Senecio suaveolens |
T | Wild senna | Senna hebecarpa |
T | Three-toothed cinquefoil | Sibbaldiopsis tridentata |
T | Starry campion | Silene stellata |
SC | Bristly greenbriar* | Smilax hispida |
SC | Early wrinkle-leaved goldenrod* | Solidago aestivalis |
SC | Elliott's goldenrod* | Solidago latissimifolia |
E | Floating bur-reed | Sparganium fluctuans |
E | Small bur-reed | Sparganium natans |
T | Canada sand-spurry | Spergularia canadensis |
SC | Little ladies'-tresses | Spiranthes tuberosa var. grayi |
E | Rough dropseed | Sporobolus clandestinus |
T | Sand dropseed | Sporobolus cryptandrus |
E | Northern dropseed | Sporobolus heterolepis |
E | Small dropseed | Sporobolus neglectus |
T | Hispid hedge-nettle | Stachys hispida |
E | Hyssop-leaf hedge-nettle | Stachys hyssopifolia |
SC | Northern stitchwort | Stellaria borealis |
T | White mandarin | Streptopus amplexifolius |
SC | Crooked-stem aster* | Symphyotrichum prenanthoides |
E | Yellow pimpernel | Taenidia integerrima |
T | Northern white cedar (native populations only) | Thuja occidentalis |
SC | Appalachian gametophyte | Trichomanes intricatum |
SC | Alpine bulrush* | Trichophorum alpinum |
E | False pennyroyal | Trichostema brachiatum |
E | Narrow-leaved horse gentian | Triosteum angustifolium |
E | Nodding pogonia | Triphora trianthophora |
E | Narrow false oats | Trisetum spicatum |
T | Spreading globe flower | Trollius laxus |
E | Resupinate bladderwort | Utricularia resupinata |
E | Large-flowered bellwort | Uvularia grandiflora |
E | Velvetleaf blueberry | Vaccinium myrtilloides |
SC | Mountain cranberry* | Vaccinium vitis-idaea ssp. minus |
SC | Beaked corn-salad* | Valerianella radiata |
SC | Hybrid bunchflower* | Veratrum latifolium |
SC | Narrow-leaved vervain* | Verbena simplex |
SC | Possum haw* | Viburnum nudum |
T | Smooth black-haw | Viburnum prunifolium |
E | Hook-spurred violet | Viola adunca |
E | Coast violet | Viola brittoniana |
SC | Canada violet | Viola canadensis |
SC | Southern wood violet* | Viola hirsutula |
SC | Northern bog violet | Viola nephrophylla |
E | Kidney-leaf white violet | Viola renifolia |
SC | Great-spurred violet | Viola selkirkii |
E | Barren strawberry | Waldsteinia fragarioides |
T | Northern yellow-eyed grass | Xyris montana |
E | Small's yellow-eyed | Xyris smalliana |
E | Golden Alexanders | Zizia aptera |
* Believed Extirpated
+ Federally Endangered
^ Federally Threatened
Effective August 5, 2015
Mammals | Birds | Reptiles | Amphibians | Fish | Invertebrates
Endangered, Threatened and Special Concern Species in Connecticut