Artist Profile Accessibility

Read time: 6 minutes

How can I make my artist profile more accessible?

Here are three ways you can make your profile more accessible to everyone who visits the arts directory, including people with a disability:

Make sure your profile uses plain language. Keep your sentences clear and simple by writing at a sixth grade reading level. Microsoft Word and Google Docs have built-in reading-level checkers to help you. For other writing software, you’ll probably need to use a separate app.

Caption your videos. Many people have hearing loss or simply prefer to read along to videos. Follow these links to learn how you can add captions:

Videos on Instagram
Videos on YouTube
Videos on Vimeo 
Videos on TikTok

Add alternative (alt) text to your images. Alt text is the hidden text that describes an image. Screen-reading tools read it to visitors who are blind or have low vision. It also helps search engines better crawl and rank your website. Here’s how to add alt text: 

X (formerly Twitter)

Don’t forget to make your own websites and social media content accessible, too!

