Manage or Grow Your Business

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  • Air Cargo

    Learn about Bradley International Airport’s location and infrastructure, making it a great option for freight forwarders and other cargo professionals.

  • Bus

    Discover Connecticut bus services, including a variety of local and express routes throughout most major metropolitan areas, plus regional and interregional services between different areas of the state.

  • Carpool

    Cut the cost of commuting in half and save wear and tear on your car with CTrides and their free online ridematching program.

  • Consumer Protection

    Access the state's Department of Consumer Protection site.

  • CT Business Registration Requirements

    Learn what you need to do to set up a new or relocated business in Connecticut — and who can help you with this process.

  • Data Privacy

    Find information on creating a privacy policy, how you will protect the personal identifying information of customers and other parties whose data they possess.

  • Employer Services

    Explore the Connecticut Department of Transportation’s (CTDOT) family of commuter services designed to meet the needs of Connecticut employers.

  • Get Turnaround Management Assistance

    Connect with this professional community that seeks to strengthen the global economy by working to save distressed businesses, assist management to navigate off-plan events, and help healthy companies avoid similar pitfalls.

  • Labor Laws & Legislation

    Access Connecticut General Statutes for the Connecticut Department of Labor.

  • Labor Laws — Unemployment

    Access the Department of Labor's employer services site where you can post jobs and access business services consultants.

  • Pay Your Business Taxes

    Get help to manage the different taxes affecting your business, plus details on filing electronically.

  • Permit Ombudsman

    Find assistance, coordination and additional help with expediting permits and approvals.

  • Recycling Assistance

    Find opportunities to save money and promote sustainable business practices through recycling and waste reduction programs.

  • Research a Connecticut Business

    Research an existing Connecticut business by name, business ID or filing number.