Chief State’s Attorney’s Meeting

Minutes of the Meeting of December 19, 2016
Office of the Chief State’s Attorney
Rocky Hill, Connecticut

Chief State’s Attorney Kevin T. Kane called the meeting to order at 12:46 p.m.

In attendance were: Deputy Chief State’s Attorneys Leonard C. Boyle and John J. Russotto; State’s Attorneys Richard J. Colangelo, Jr. (Stamford/Norwalk), Matthew C. Gedansky (Tolland), Patrick J. Griffin (New Haven), Gail P. Hardy (Hartford), Kevin D. Lawlor (Ansonia/Milford), Anne F. Mahoney (Windham); Maureen Platt (Waterbury), Brian Preleski (New Britain), Michael L. Regan (New London), Stephen J. Sedensky III (Danbury), David Shepack (Litchfield) and John C. Smriga (Fairfield).

Also present: Executive Assistant State’s Attorneys Brian Austin, Jr., and Michael A. Gailor, legislative liaison Wilfred Blanchette and Communications and Legislative Specialist Mark A. Dupuis.

State’s Attorney Colangelo made a motion to accept the minutes of the November 21, 2016, meeting. State’s Attorney Lawlor seconded the motion and it passed with no opposition and State’s Attorney Mahoney abstaining from the vote.

The 2017 schedule of meetings was accepted as follows: January 23; February 27; March 20; April 17; May 15; June 19; July 17; August 28; September 18; October 16; November 10; and December 18.

State’s Attorney Hardy reported on a concern that had arisen in the Judicial District of Hartford concerning the imposition of special parole following a finding of a violation of probation when the original sentence did not include special parole. The situation appears to be unique to the Hartford J.D.

Executive State’s Attorney Gailor reported that the State’s Attorneys are required to report on ex parte orders for calendar year 2016 pursuant to Section 54-27aa of the General Statutes. It should be noted that reporting requirements have changed this year.

State’s Attorney Gailor reported that new procedures involving certain DNA samples will go into effect in January at the Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection Forensic Science Laboratory. The lab has been asked to schedule training for Division personnel on interpreting the new reports.

Wilfred Blanchette distributed draft copies of the Division’s 2017 Legislative Recommendations to the General Assembly. The State’s Attorneys are asked to review the language of the proposals.

Deputy Chief State’s Attorney Russotto reported that the Management Committee met and discussed the general parameters of ongoing collective bargaining involving unions representing Division personnel. Additional information will be forthcoming.

State’s Attorney Smriga reported that the Training Committee is beginning planning for the 2017 Annual Professional Development Conference for Prosecutors and exploring means for compliance with ethics training under the Minimum Continuing Legal Education requirements mandated by the Judicial Branch.

State’s Attorney Sedensky provided an update on concerns related to draft standards being considered by the Governor’s Task Force on Justice for Abused Children pursuant to General Statutes section 17a-106a. State’s Attorney Sedensky will draft a position paper for review by the State’s Attorneys.

Executive Assistant State’s Attorney Austin reported on training requirements for non-COLLECT certified Division employees. The State’s Attorneys have received lists of affected employees.

State’s Attorney Platt reported that police departments will again be surveyed on the status of evidence kits collected in sexual assault investigations. The survey is required under terms of a grant awarded to deal with a backlog of untested kits.

There being no further business, State’s Attorney Colangelo made a motion to adjourn. State’s Attorney Sedensky seconded the motion and it passed without opposition. The meeting was adjourned at 1:50 p.m.