Chief State's Attorney's Meeting

Minutes of June 22, 2009 Meeting

In attendance: Kevin Kane, John Russotto, Paul Murray, Jonathan Benedict, David Cohen, Cathy Brannelly for John Connelly, Michael Dearington, Patricia Froehlich, Matthew Gedansky, Gail Hardy, Kevin Lawlor, Timothy Liston, Scott Murphy, Michael Regan, Stephen Sedensky and David Shepack.

Also in attendance: Judith Rossi and Michael Gailor.

The meeting started at approximately 12:45 p.m.  The minutes from the May 26, 2009, meeting were reviewed and unanimously approved.

Representatives from the Department of Correction (K. Dudley and P. DeFelice) addressed the group on matters concerning prisoner transport procedures.  They presently conduct 450 prisoner transfers per day.

Chief State's Attorney Kevin Kane led a brief discussion on the status of the State's current budget crisis.  There was a lengthy discussion concerning the personnel needs of each office.  Mr. Kane asked the State's Attorneys to prepare a prioritized list of the positions they will need to have back-filled in order for their offices to function properly.  The internal posting of supervisory vacancies was discussed.

Mr. Kane asked all of the State's Attorneys to be prepared to discuss the Case Management System project at the next meeting on July 27, 2009.  In anticipation of that meeting, Information Technology Manager Evelyn Godbout will be forwarding critical information to the State's Attorneys for input.

Executive Assistant State's Attorney Judith Rossi reported on the Division of Criminal Justice's recent training seminar for prosecutors held at the New Britain Superior Court.

Deputy Chief State's Attorney John Russotto led a discussion on the use of Internet Override Accounts to allow the Judicial Districts more immediate access to restricted websites.  The State's Attorneys were asked to designated one individual in each Judicial District to act as a liaison.  Mr. Russotto also reported on efforts to create a web based expert witness databank.  There was a lengthy discussion concerning setting up individual web pages on the Division's website for each of the Judicial Districts.  Content management issues were discussed.

Congratulations were conveyed to Jonathan Benedict, Paul Murray and
Judith Rossi on their upcoming retirements from state service.

The meeting adjourned at 2:00 p.m.