Division of Criminal Justice Advisory Board 

Office of the Chief State's Attorney

300 Corporate Place

Rocky Hill, Connecticut

Minutes of the Meeting of June 6, 2022

The meeting was called to order at 12:38 p.m. by Windham State's Attorney and President Anne Mahoney

Also present were Chief State’s Attorney Patrick Griffin, Deputy Chief State’s Attorneys John Russotto, Kevin Lawlor and Robert Devlin; State’s Attorneys Margaret E. Kelley (Ansonia/Milford); Stephen J. Sedensky (Danbury); Joseph T. Corradino (Fairfield); Sharmese Walcott (Hartford); David Shannon (Litchfield); Michael A. Gailor (Middlesex); Paul Narducci (New London); Paul J. Ferencek (Stamford/Norwalk); Maureen T. Platt (Waterbury); Anne F. Mahoney (Windham); and Senior Assistant State’s Attorney Helen McLellan, as representative of New Britain; Executive Assistant State’s Attorneys John Doyle, Gail Hardy and Brett Salafia; Legislative Liaison Melanie Dykas; Labor Relations Administrator, AnneMarie Paone-Mullin, Criminal Justice Commission Member Scott Murphy (telephone) and Director of Communications Alaine Griffin.


A motion to accept the minutes from the May 2, 2022 meeting was made by State's Attorney Gailor and seconded by State's Attorney Sedensky. It passed unanimously.


There was no report. The matter of appointing a chair was discussed in light of the appointment of Patrick Griffin as the Chief State’s Attorney. State's Attorney Paul Narducci graciously accepted the appointment to chair the committee.


There was no report.


State's Attorney Platt reported for the Operations Committee indicating that the committee had a draft policy concerning Body Worn Cameras for inspectors within the Division. The latest revisions to the policy, incorporated by Executive Assistant State's Attorney Doyle, were distributed at the meeting. Further discussion was tabled for the Chief State’s Attorney’s meeting to follow.


With respect to the Peer Review process, Deputy Chief State's Attorney Russotto reported that it is anticipated that the review meetings will be held throughout the summer. Deputy CHief State's Attorney Russotto will reach out to the State’s Attorneys to schedule.


There were no conflicts to discuss.


1. State's Attorney Mahoney expressed some concern voiced by police departments in her area with respect to the division of duties and responsibilities when there is an officer-involved shooting. A suggestion was made to have the Inspector General and his group/staff meet with some of the police agencies to clarify roles etc.

2. State's Attorney Mahoney also suggested that our Minutes reflect any votes that are taken at our meetings. It was expressed that sometimes there is a great deal of discussion on important issues and any vote or consensus gets lost in the summary of those discussions. All agreed that the votes should be reflected in the minutes.

3. Chief State's Attorney Griffin indicated that he is working with the Appellate Unit to refine the Division's Giglio policy. He expressed that moving forward, with respect to operational polices, he will have the Appellate Unit undertake an initial review. Following that review, the Operations Committee will review, and make revisions as deemed appropriate. Following that process, all operational policies will be shared among the State’s Attorneys for review and input.

4. Chief State's Attorney Griffin and the rest of the attendees thanked State's Attorney Sedensky and State's Attorney Ferencek for their many years of dedicated service.


Deputy Chief State's Attorney Russotto made a motion to adjourn at 12:52 p.m. It was seconded by State's Attorney Ferencek and passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 12:52. p.m.