Quality Education
Next generation learning for the next generation of leaders.
A passion for raising educated, resourceful students.
From K-12 through college and graduate schools, education is a priority for Connecticut residents and businesses alike. We have a legacy of excellent public schools and offer a wide array of top private school choices, as well as 38 colleges and universities. We also have the nation’s only unified technical high school system—committed to developing a next generation of technology-savvy workers.
Higher Learning. Elevated Skillsets.
Connecticut is home to 38 institutes of higher learning, including private and public universities and colleges, community colleges, trade schools and nationally certified training academies. Here is just a sample of the educational offerings in the state.

Cultural Values
Connecticut welcomes and celebrates the cultures of many different communities.

Thing to See & Do
Experience the arts and explore the great outdoors, all in one small, amazing state.

Find a Job
Search career options and post job opportunities.