Environmental Monitor Banner

November 3, 2020

The Council releases a special report on the State's beverage container redemption program - Low Deposit, Low Return.

All submissions to the Council should be sent electronically to: peter.hearn@ct.gov.

Special Notice

  1. Proposed Generic Environmental Classification Document, submitted at the request of the Office of Policy and Management.

Scoping Notice

  1. Notice of Scoping for Ramp Widening I-95 NB Exit 27A, Bridgeport.
  2. Revised! Public Meeting Announced - Notice of Scoping for City of Bridgeport Facilities Planning for East Side and West Side Wastewater Treatment Plants, Bridgeport.

Scoping Notice - Post-Scoping Notice (Need More Time)

    No notice for additional time has been submitted for publication in this edition.

Post-Scoping Notice

  1. Post Scoping Notice for Emergency Interconnection between Norwich Public Utilities, Ledyard WPCA and the Town of Preston, Ledyard and Preston.

Environmental Impact Evaluation (EIE)

    No EIE Notice has been submitted for publication in this edition.
Agency Record of Decision

    No Record of Decision has been submitted for publication in this edition.

OPM Determination of Adequacy

    No Determination of Adequacy Notice has been submitted for publication in this edition.

State Land Transfer

  1. Notice of Proposed Land Transfer for 129 Lafayette Street, Hartford.

The next edition of the Environmental Monitor will be published on November 17, 2020.
Subscribe to e-alerts to receive an e-mail when the Environmental Monitor is published.

Notices in the Environmental Monitor are written and formatted by the sponsoring agencies and are published unedited. Questions about the content of any notice should be directed to the sponsoring agency.

Inquiries and requests to view or copy documents, pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, must be submitted to the sponsoring state agency.

Special Notice 

The following Special Notice has been submitted for publication in this edition.

1) Proposed Generic Environmental Classification Document

The proposed Generic Environmental Classification Document (ECD) is available for review and comment. The Generic ECD is a list of typical agency actions that may have significant environmental impacts, and is used by most state agencies in determining if a proposed action warrants further evaluation under the Connecticut Environmental Policy Act (CEPA), and to what extent. A state agency proposing an action which may significantly effect the environment must consult with its applicable Environmental Classification Document (ECD) to determine whether or not public scoping is required.

Any agency that does not have its own ECD as approved by OPM in accordance with Sections 22a-1a-4 and 22a-1a-5 of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies, shall use the Generic ECD prepared and maintained by OPM. 

Click here to view a copy of the proposed Generic ECD.

Click here to view a red-lined copy of the proposed Generic ECD.

Written comments on this proposed Generic ECD will be accepted until 5:00pm Friday, November 20th, 2020.

 Send comments to:

Name:  Matthew Pafford, Environmental Analyst

Agency:  Office of Policy and Management

Address:  450 Capitol Avenue, MS# 54 ORG, Hartford, Connecticut 06106-1379

Email:  matthew.pafford@ct.gov

Scoping Notice

"Scoping" is for projects in the earliest stages of planning.  At the scoping stage, detailed information on a project's design, alternatives, and environmental impacts does not yet exist.  Sponsoring agencies are asking for comments from other agencies and from the public as to the scope of alternatives and environmental impacts that should be considered for further study.  Send your comments to the contact person listed for the project by the date indicated. Read More 

The following Scoping Notices have been submitted for publication in this edition.

1) Notice of Scoping for Ramp Widening of I-95 NB Exit 27A to Route 8 NB

Municipality where proposed action might be located: Bridgeport

Project Description: A study along the corridor of Interstate 95 (I-95) west of New Haven investigated the feasibility of constructing an additional through lane in each direction from Greenwich to Bridgeport. As a result of the study, it was determined that several smaller projects with independent utility can be initiated to improve conditions at several locations along the corridor.

The purpose of this project is to relieve traffic congestion and minimize crashes on I-95 NB by increasing the exiting capacity of Exit 27A through the addition of an auxiliary lane. Currently, the vehicle queue lengths for the Exit 27A off-ramp extend upstream past the Exit 27 off-ramp to Myrtle Ave. Exit 27A has a single lane that is approximately one mile in length and opens up to two lanes once beyond the gore area of the exit. Average Traffic Daily (ADT) volumes from 2019 indicate 26,400 daily vehicles exiting I-95 NB via Exit 27A.

The project proposes to provide an additional exit lane from I-95 NB to Exit 27A. This will require the widening of Bridge No. 03532, which carries Exit 27A from I-95 NB to Route 8 over Warren street and South Frontage Road.  Since Bridge No. 03532 ties into the same western abutment as Bridge No. 00107 (I-95 NB over Warren Street)  and due to the complexity of the existing design, a portion of Bridge No. 00107 will also require steel framing and concrete deck modifications.


The Maintenance and Protection of Traffic and Construction Sequencing are anticipated to include an extended road closure of South Frontage Road and Warren Street at the project location to facilitate widening of Bridge No. 03532. Traffic detours are expected (see link to proposed plans) along with traffic alterations of adjacent local roads. Traffic on the I-95 NB Exit 27A off-ramp will require lane shifts to accommodate bridge work, but a long duration ramp closure is not anticipated.

Project MapsClick here to view a locus map and aerial of the project area.

Click here to view the proposed project plans.


Written comments from the public are welcomed and will be accepted until the close of business on: November 10, 2020

There will be a virtual Public Scoping Meeting for this proposed action:

DATETuesday October 27, 2020

TIME:  7:00 p.m.

PLACEVirtual Meeting

NOTES: The meeting will be live streamed via Microsoft Teams Live Event and YouTube Live. A Question and Answer session will immediately follow the presentation.  A link to join the virtual meeting will be available at the following location:  https://portal.ct.gov/DOTBridgeport15-382

Individuals with limited internet access may request that project information be mailed to them by contacting Ryan D. Martin by email at Ryan.Martin@ct.gov or by phone at (860) 594-3205. Allow one week for processing and delivery.

Individuals with limited internet access can listen to the meeting by calling 800-369-2192 and entering the Participant Code: 6929067 when prompted.

Persons with hearing and/or speech disabilities may dial 711 for Telecommunications Relay Services (TRS).  Language assistance may be requested by contacting the CTDOT's Language Assistance Call Line (860) 594-2109.  Requests should be made at least 5 business days prior to the meeting. Language assistance is provided at no cost to the public and efforts will be made to respond to timely requests for assistance.

The MS Teams Live Event offers closed-captioning for the hearing impaired and non-English translation options.  A recording of the formal presentation will be posted to YouTube following the meeting and closed-captioning (including non-English translation options) will be available at that time.  The recording of the presentation will also be posted within 7 days on CTDOT's virtual public meetings website at the following location: https://portal.ct.gov/dot/general/CTDOT-VPIM-Library

Comments and questions about the meeting or project (email preferred) should be sent to:

Name: Ryan D. Martin, Project Engineer

Agency: Connecticut Department of Transportation, Bureau of Engineering and Construction

Address: 2800 Berlin Turnpike, Newington, CT 06131

E-Mail: DOTProject0015-0382@ct.gov

Individuals may also leave a voicemail question or comment by calling (860) 944-1111. Please reference Project No. 15-382 in your voicemail.

Inquiries and requests to view and or copy documents, pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, must be submitted to the sponsoring state agency:

Name: Ms. Alice M. Sexton

Agency: Connecticut Department of Transportation, Office of Legal Services

Address: 2800 Berlin Turnpike, Newington, CT 06131

E-Mail: Alice.Sexton@ct.gov

What Happens Next: The Connecticut Department of Transportation will make a determination whether to proceed with preparation of an Environmental Impact Evaluation (EIE) or that the project does not require the preparation of an EIE under the Connecticut Environmental Policy Act (CEPA). A Post-Scoping Notice of its decision will appear in a future edition of the Environmental Monitor. 

2) Notice of Scoping for City of Bridgeport 
Facilities Planning for East Side and West Side Wastewater Treatment Plants, Public Meeting Date Set


Municipality where proposed project might be located: Bridgeport

Address of Possible Project Location:  East Side WPCF, 695 Seaview Avenue, Bridgeport, CT 06607 and West Side WPCF, 205 Botswick Avenue, Bridgeport, CT 06607

Project Description: The City of Bridgeport owns and operates two wastewater treatment plants that serve the combined sewer overflow (CSO) community, where both sanitary sewage and stormwater are carried in a single pipe.  The wastewater treatment plants are the subject of Administrative Order AOWRMU19001 issued by DEEP on March 1, 2019 requiring a facilities planning report to be submitted to DEEP on or before November 30, 2020.  Based on previously submitted engineering reports, inspection reports and parameter testing results, a number of upgrades at both plants will be required by the Administrative Order for the treatment plants to treat to a level that protects human health and the environment.  Both plants have exceeded their ability to function properly including a building that was deemed unfit for habitation that had to be demolished.

The following items are being investigated during this facility planning stage: 

  • Liquid Stream Alternatives
  • Solids Processing Alternatives
  • Plant Consolidation
  • High Flow Management/Maximization of Flow to WWTP(s)
  • Operability/ Construction Assessment
  • Resiliency to Storms, Flooding and Climate Change
  • Outfall Inspection, Improvements, and Necessary Changes
  • SCADA Evaluation
  • Odor Control Evaluation

Project Map:  Click here to view a Location Map of the project area, a map of the East Side Wastewater Treatment Plant and the West Side Wastewater Treatment Plant. 

Written comments from the public are welcomed and will be accepted until the close of business on: November 5, 2020.

Written comments should be sent to:

Name:  Ann Straut
Department of Energy and Environmental Protection
79 Elm Street Hartford CT 06106
Email:  ann.straut@ct.gov

There will be a virtual Public Scoping Meeting for this project:

Date: Thursday, October 29, 2020

Time: 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm

Place: Virtual Meeting

Notes: The meeting will be held via Zoom.  A Question and Answer session will immediately follow the presentation.  The link to join the meeting is: ZOOM LINK


Individuals with limited internet access can listen to the meeting by calling (301) 715-8592 or (312) 626-6799 and entering the meeting ID when prompted 842 2948 9654.

There will be a live Question and Answer (Q&A) session following the formal presentation.  If you would like to as a question during the Q&A, you may use the Zoom chat function or send an email to ann.straut@ct.gov.

Additional Information to note when accessing the live virtual meeting:

The live virtual meeting is being recorded.

-While we expect to present you with a seamless presentation, disruption in the video or audio feed could occur due to many possible variables. Please understand as we work to resolve any issues as quickly as possible.

-Individuals with limited internet access will be able to call to listen to the presentation. However, it will not be possible to call in and watch the presentation simultaneously because the live feed may be delayed.

-The chat function of Zoom is not be available if calling in via phone.

-The meeting is formatted as follows:

·       Brief introductions

·       Formal presentation of the project by the consultant team

·       Live Question and Answer (Q&A) session during which time the public is invited to ask questions or provide comments. A moderator will be reviewing the chat and will relay questions or comments with the live audience and the project team. The project team will answer those shared questions live during the Q&A. Responses to relevant questions and/or comments that are not shared during the live Q&A will be addressed Environmental Impact Evaluation to be posted during the post scoping process in the next few months on the CT CEQ site available here: https://portal.ct.gov/CEQ

·       The meeting will conclude after the Q&A session

If you have questions about the public meeting, or other questions about the scoping for this project, contact:

Name:  Ann Straut
Department of Energy and Environmental Protection
79 Elm Street Hartford CT 06106

What Happens Next: The sponsoring agency will make a determination whether to proceed with preparation of an Environmental Impact Evaluation (EIE) or that the project does not require the preparation of an EIE under the Connecticut Environmental Policy Act (CEPA). A Post-Scoping Notice of its decision will appear in a future edition of the Environmental Monitor.

Scoping Notice - Post-Scoping Notice (Need More Time)

If an agency is unable to publish a Post-Scoping Notice within six months after the comment period for scoping, the agency will publish an update with an action status and an estimate as to when a Post-Scoping Notice will be published. Such an update will be published by the agency at six-month intervals until the Post-Scoping Notice is published. Read More

No notice for additional time has been submitted for publication in this edition.

Post-Scoping Notice

A Post-Scoping Notice is the determination by a sponsoring agency, after publication of a Scoping Notice and consideration of comments received, whether an Environmental Impact Evaluation (EIE) needs to be prepared for a proposed State action. Read More

The following Post-Scoping Notice has been submitted for publication in this edition.

1) Post Scoping Notice for Emergency Interconnection between Norwich Public Utilities, Ledyard WPCA and the Town of Preston

Municipalities where project will be located: Ledyard and Preston


Address of Possible Project Location: Poquetanuck Cove Bridge Crossing, Ledyard and Preston    


CEPA Determination: On May 21, 2019, the Department of Public Health (DPH) published a Notice of Scoping to solicit public comments for this project in the Environmental Monitor.


Based on the DPH’s environmental assessment of this project which includes a review of comments provided by the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) dated June 21, 2019DEEP’s Natural Diversity Database dated June 28, 2019 and a response to the DEEP comments from Groton Utilities dated September 24, 2020, it has been determined that the project does not require the preparation of an Environmental Impact Evaluation (EIE) under CEPA. The DPH will coordinate with the water utilities to ensure that the recommendations received during the Scoping period are implemented.


The agency's conclusion is documented in a Memorandum of Findings and Determination and an Environmental Assessment Summary.


If you have questions about the project, you can contact the agency at:


          Name:          Mr. Eric McPhee
Agency:         Department of Public Health – Drinking Water Section
Address:       410 Capitol Avenue, MS #12DWS, PO Box 34030

                               Hartford, CT 06134-0308

          E-Mail:           DPH.sourceprotection@ct.gov 


Inquiries and requests to view and or copy documents, pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, must be submitted to the sponsoring State Agency:


           Name:          Mr. Av Harris
          Agency:        Department of Public Health – Drinking Water Section
          Address:      410 Capitol Avenue, MS #13CMN, PO 

                                Hartford, CT 06134-0308

          E-Mail:          DPH.FOI@ct.gov 


What happens next:  The DPH expects the project to go forward.  This is expected to be the final notice of the project to be published in the Environmental Monitor.

EIE Notice

After Scoping, an agency that wishes to undertake an action that could significantly affect the environment must produce, for public review and comment, a detailed written evaluation of the expected environmental impacts. This is called an Environmental Impact Evaluation (EIE)Read More 

No EIE Notice has been submitted for publication in this edition.

Agency Record of Decision

After an Environmental Impact Evaluation (EIE) is developed, an agency will prepare a concise public record of decision, which takes into consideration the agency’s findings in the EIE, and any comments received on that evaluation. Read More 

No Record of Decision Notice has been submitted for publication in this edition.

OPM's Determination of Adequacy

After an Environmental Impact Evaluation (EIE) is developed. the Office of Policy and Management (OPM) will determine if the EIE is adequate. If not, OPM will specify the areas of inadequacy with reference to CEPA or the CEPA regulations and specify the corrective action required. Read More 

No Determination of Adequacy Notice has been submitted for publication in this edition.

State Land Transfer Notice

Connecticut General Statutes Section 4b-47 requires public notice of most proposed sales and transfers of state-owned lands. The public has an opportunity to comment on any such proposed transfer. Each notice includes an address where comments should be sent. Read more about the process

The following State Land Transfer Notice has been submitted for publication in this edition.

1) Notice of Proposed Land Transfer in Hartford

Complete Address of Property: 129 Lafayette Street, Hartford CT 06106

Commonly used name of property or other identifying information: Second Church of Christ Scientist

Number of acres to be transferred: 1.07

Click to view map of property location

Description of Property

Below is some general information about the property. It should not be considered a complete description of the property and should not be relied upon for making decisions. If only a portion of a property is proposed for transfer, the description pertains only to the portion being transferred.

Brief Description of Historical and Current Uses: 129 Lafayette is a four story structure of approximately 22,490 gross square feet constructed in1924, primarily used as a house of worship for 80 years until it was purchased by the State of Connecticut in 2007.



Building(s) in use


Building(s) not in use


No Structures


Other Features:


Paved areas


Wooded land


Non agricultural fields 


Active agriculture


Ponds, streams, other water, wetlands


Public water supply


On-site well


Water Supply Unknown


Served by sewers 


On-site septic system 


Waste Disposal Unknown

Click to view  aerial view of property

Click to view  photographs of property

The property is in the following municipal zone(s): 




Not zoned  


Not known 












Special features of the property, if known: A building assessment was completed in 2008and states that the State Historic Preservation Office has determined that the building appears to be eligible for listing on the State Register of Historic Places.

Value of property, if known: 


 If checked, value is not known.

Links to other available information

Type of Sale or Transfer:


Sale or transfer of property in fee 


Sale or transfer of partial interest in the property (such as an easement). Description of interest:

Proposed recipient, if known:

Proposed use by property recipient, if known:

The agency is proposing to transfer the property with the following restrictions on future uses:


 If checked, the state is not currently proposing restrictions on future uses.

Reason the state of Connecticut is proposing to transfer this property: Surplus

Comments from the public are welcome and will be accepted until the close of business o11/20/2020.

Comments may include (but are not limited to) information you might have about significant natural resources or recreation resources on the property, as well as your recommendations for means to preserve such resources.

Written comments* should be sent to:

Name: Paul Hinsch

Agency: Office of Policy and Management, Bureau of Assets Management

Address: 450 Capitol Avenue, Hartford, CT 06106-1379

E-Mail: Paul.Hinsch@ct.gov

*E-Mail submissions are preferred. Send copies of comments to:

Name: Shane Mallory

Agency: Department of Administrative Services, Statewide Leasing and Property Transfer

Address: 450 Columbus Boulevard, Hartford, Suite 1402, CT 06103

E-Mail: Shane.Mallory@ct.gov

(Comments from state agencies must be on agency letterhead and signed by agency head.  Scanned copies are preferred.)


What Happens Next:

When this comment period closes, the proposed land transfer can take one of three tracks:


1.   If no public comments are received, the sale or transfer can proceed with no further public comment and no further notices in the Environmental Monitor, unless the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) elects to conduct a review of the property (see #3).


2.   If public comments are received, the Office of Policy and Management (OPM) will respond to those comments. The comments and responses will be published in the Environmental Monitor.  Fifteen days after publication of the comments and responses, the proposed sale or transfer can proceed, unless DEEP elects to conduct a review of the property (see #3).


3.   If DEEP elects to conduct a further review of the property, it may submit to OPM a report with recommendations for preserving all or part of the property. The report and recommendations will be published in the Environmental Monitor, and there will be a 30-day public comment period. The DEEP will publish its responses to any comments received and its final recommendation about the property in the Environmental Monitor. OPM will then make the final determination as to the ultimate disposition of the property, and will publish that determination in the Environmental Monitor. Fifteen days after publication of that final determination, the sale or transfer can proceed.

To find out if this proposed transfer is the subject of further notices, check future editions of the Environmental MonitorSign up for e-alerts to receive a reminder e-mail on Environmental Monitor publication dates.


CEPA Project Inventory

The Office of Policy and Management maintains a list of projects the have entered the CEPA process. It shows each project's status. The inventory can be found at ftp://ftp.ct.gov/opm/CEPA/CEPA%20Project%20Inventory.xlsx .

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