How can I find out which adult-use cannabis establishment licenses have been issued?

Read time: 1 minutes

You can use eLicense, the state’s online licensing system, to see which adult-use cannabis licenses have been issued.

To see a list of licensed adult-use cannabis establishments:

  1. Go to and scroll down to “Lookup a License”.
  2. In the list titled “License Type” select the adult-use cannabis license type you are looking for.
  3. Click the blue “Submit” button. This will generate a list of license holders for that license type.

Licensees listed as “Active” and “Provisional” have met all provisional license requirements and submitted all associated provisional licensing fees.


You can also generate a roster of licensed cannabis establishments. For information on how to generate a roster, go to Generate a Roster of Licenses, Permits, Registrations.


Please note: The location or city listed in each license may not reflect the final location of the cannabis business.

More: What does it mean if a business has a provisional license for an adult-use cannabis establishment


Video: Verify a License

Video: Generate a Roster

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