Connecticut Core Standards

Systems of Professional Learning

ELA Module 1: Focus on Instructional Shifts

  • Deepen understanding of the CCS-ELA and the implications of the standards for instruction; i.e., foundational reading in early grades, and literacy across the content areas.
  • Explore key instructional practices and engage with the standards through video analysis and interactive activities.
  • Develop aligned lessons using a lesson planning template that is consistent with CSDE’s sample lessons and resources.
  • Use the EQuIP rubric and evidence guides for planning instruction that aligns with the CCS-ELA & Literacy standards.
  • Collaboratively plan for sharing key components of Module 2 within schools and districts.
Materials: Grades K-5 Materials: Grades 6-12

Math Module 1: Focus on Practice Standards

  • Gain an initial understanding of the CCS-Math and the embedded changes and instructional shifts.
  • Explore all eight of the Standards for Mathematical Practice and identified how they are related.
  • Explore how practices can be clustered and examine the reasons why Practice 1: Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them and Practice 6: Attend to precision are considered the two “umbrella” standards that describe the habits of mind of successful mathematical thinkers.
  • Identify evidence of the practices, with focus on Practices 1 and 6, in CCS-aligned mathematics tasks.
  • Discuss descriptors for all eight practices, and create formal grade level descriptions for Practice 1 and Practice 6.
  • Explore how specific instructional strategies (e.g., questioning, engaging students in mathematical discourse, and requiring multiple representations) can help students meet major learning goals.
  • Identify relevant resources for implementing the CCS-Math and create a peer support network.
  • Identify ways in which coaches will share information with teachers and provide support as teachers make changes to their instructional practice.
Materials: Grades K-5 Materials: Grades 6-12

ELA Module 2: Supporting all Students in Close Reading, Academic Language, and Text-based Discussion

  • Become familiar with components of the backward design process for CCS-ELA & Literacy units and lessons.
  • Know elements of a high quality CCS-ELA & Literacy unit or lesson.
  • Become skillful in creating sequences of text-dependent questions, including those related to academic language.
  • Deepen understanding of the relationship between reading and text-based discussion and know how to incorporate discussion into lesson design.
  • Understand the principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and learn some strategies for incorporating UDL into lesson design.
  • Collaboratively plan for sharing key components of Module 2 within schools and districts
Materials: Grades K-5 Materials: Grades 6-12

Math Module 2: Focus on Content Standards

  • Strengthen working relationships with peer Core Standards Coaches across their region.
  • Deepen their understanding of the practice standards specified in the CCS-Math through sharing of implementation experiences.
  • Examine the implications of the language of the content standards for teaching and learning.
  • Identify CCS-aligned tasks that combine high-level content with mathematical practices.
  • Identify and adapt high-level tasks that combine high-level content with the practice standards.
  • Analyze the progression of topics in the content standards both within and across grade levels.
  • Deepen their understanding of the potential of the CCS-Math to change mathematics teaching and learning.
  • Gain understanding of some of the challenges involved in implementing the CCS-Math.
  • Explore strategies for supporting teachers as they make changes in their classroom practice.
  • Make plans for next steps.
Materials: Grades K-5 Materials: Grades 6-12

ELA Module 3: Supporting all Students in Writing

  • Examine the purposes and genres of writing and the vertical progression of writing standards in the CCS.
  • Understand how writing is incorporated and taught in CCS-aligned units and lessons.
  • Learn research-based practices for writing to text.
  • Understand the use of routine writing tasks as formative assessment.
  • Be able to support students in CCS-aligned writing tasks.
  • Learn how research skills and processes are integrated throughout the CCS and are developed in CSS aligned units and lessons.
  • Collaboratively plan for sharing key components of Module 3 within schools and districts.
Materials: Grades K-5 Materials: Grades 6-12

Math Module 3: Focus on Teaching and Learning

  • Strengthen working relationships with peer Core Standards Coaches across their region
  • Deepen their understanding of the Practice and Content Standards specified in the CCS-Math through sharing of implementation experiences
  • Articulate a common understanding of UDL
  • Identify the importance of incorporating UDL practices into lessons
  • Describe the alignment of instructional practices and learning expectations of the CCS-Math
  • Plan for implementing UDL strategies within classroom lessons
  • Assess progress towards learning outcomes using a variety of formative assessment strategies
  • Explore strategies for supporting teachers as they make changes in their classroom practice
Materials: Grades K-5 Materials: Grades 6-12

ELA Module 4: Designing and Aligning CCS ELA & Literacy-aligned Instruction and Assessment

  • Review and extend their knowledge of unit and lesson design with alignment to the Connecticut Core Standards for English Language Arts & Literacy and the three instructional shifts.
  • Begin to build and examine short model curriculum units
  • Examine and develop learning goals aligned to the CCS-ELA &Literacy
  • Understand the use of key understandings and guiding questions to inform instruction and performance tasks
  • Introduce and practice the use of the Cognitive Rigor Matrix
  • Examine performance tasks and rubrics and develop aligned performance tasks
  • Understand how learning progressions and formative assessment are integrated into lesson design
  • Practice reviewing a unit and conducting a structured conversation around unit design
  • Collaboratively plan for sharing the key components of this module within their school and/or district
Materials: Grades K-5 Materials: Grades 6-12

Math Module 4: Focus on Learning Design

  • Create effective learning targets for use in planning lessons
  • Identify the elements that need to be considered when designing and implementing CCS-Math lessons
  • Design and/or modify CCS-Math lessons in order to meet the needs of all students
  • Explore shifts in classroom practice that maximize students' opportunities to learn at a high level
  • Consider meaningful questions to pose to teachers on their lesson design
  • Explore strategies for supporting teachers as they make changes in their classroom practice
Materials: Grades K-5 Materials: Grades 6-12

ELA Module 5: Looking at Student Work and Engaging Students in the Learning Process

  • Learn and practice protocols for collaboratively looking at student work and using data to inform instruction.
  • Learn the importance of student goal setting and feedback and become familiar with related practices.
  • Know protocols, practices, and strategies for student engagement in CCS ELA & Literacy-aligned instruction.
  • Better understand how to support English Language Learners in CCS ELA & Literacy instruction.
  • Understand the purpose of Connecticut Classroom Look-Fors and use it to observe CCS-aligned lessons.
  • Review and expand knowledge of principles, protocols, and strategies for working with adult learners around topics related to CCS ELA &Literacy.
  • Collaboratively plan for sharing key components of all modules in CT Systems of Professional Learning within schools and districts.
Materials: Grades K-5 Materials: Grades 6-12

Math Module 5: Focus on Sustaining Change

  • Strengthen working relationships with peer Core Standards Coaches across their region
  • Deepen their understanding of the CCS-Math through sharing of implementation experiences
  • Align types of teacher support to identified teacher needs
  • Examine in more depth the Shifts for Classroom Practice from Module 4 and explore ways to support teachers in the implementation of these shifts
  • Explore strategies for conducting coaching observations and options for data collection
  • Identify strategies and resources for supporting and sustaining change
  • Identify opportunities for ongoing teacher professional development and teacher collaboration
Materials: Grades K-5 Materials: Grades 6-12