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2015 NCHIP Project Summaries

FED Award:
OPM Grant ID:
State Match:
Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection (DESPP)
CCH Data Cleansing/Conversion and Ongoing CCH Replacement Project
The Connecticut Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection (DESPP) is seeking assistance under NCHIP 2015 to develop database cleansing and conversion programs and ongoing project management resources to ensure the success of its comprehensive strategy to modernize the SPBI State Police Bureau of Identification’s criminal history repository, The Bureau of Identification is made up of the Criminal Records Unit and the Fingerprinting Unit. These units are responsible for the collection, maintenance and dissemination of fingerprint supported criminal history throughout the State and in participation with the National Crime Information Center NCIC. Over the past year the agency received bond funding to procure a new Computerized Criminal History (CCH) solution and 2014 NCHIP grant funding to develop detailed business requirements for the new CCH.

Database-related tasks include de-engineering the current data flows that contribute to arrest and disposition backlogs, development of data cleansing procedures and reports that will mitigate or eliminate arrest and disposition backlogs, development of plans and procedures for data migration to the new CCH (a collaboration with the selected vendor), and establishment of data quality assurance tools (reports) during and after conversion. The project management tasks include development of the project plan for the new CCH, coordination with the vendor project manager and State project resources throughout design, implementation, and testing of the new CCH, management of project-related communications and documentation, and coordination with FBI NFF implementation/compliance resources, and establishment and maintenance of a "Connecticut NFF Compliance Roadmap" for tracking NFF progress.
FED Grant ID:
TOTAL Project Cost


FED Award:
OPM Grant ID:
State Match:
Judicial Branch
Criminal Disposition Reporting Improvements 
The Judicial Branch NCHIP 2015 proposal is anticipated to deliver three major improvements for use in conducting “NICS checks,” or timely background investigations that may be conducted before the transfer of firearms, ammunition, and explosives, by continuing or expanding activities initiated under previous NARIP awards. These three major improvements are as follows: (1) an increased number of mental health disqualification records in the NICS; (2) an increased number of criminal disqualification records available to NICS; and (3) the statewide automation of many critical disposition functions related to NICS.
FED Grant ID:
TOTAL Project Cost


FED Award:
OPM Grant ID:
State Match:
Judicial Branch
Protection Order Registry Improvements
The Judicial Branch is now starting to assess ways in which the civil protection order process can be more efficient and more complete.  The Judicial Branch NCHIP 2015 proposal is anticipated to deliver three major improvements for the civil protection order registry:  (1) provide new methods for compiling Registry information; (2)  to ensure that the firearms surrender orders are entered in the Registry and disseminated to all corresponding law enforcement agencies; and (3)  to continue improving the accuracy and completeness of Registry records while providing support for the organizations that rely on registry information.
FED Grant ID:
TOTAL Project Cost


FED Award:
OPM Grant ID:
State Match:
Office of the Probate Court Administrator
Probate Case Management System (PCMS)
The Office of the Probate Court Administrator will hire a contractor to merge 25 individual digital document repositories into a single back end database.  It is anticipated that completion of this component will increase the data integrity, reduce the amount of manual intervention and minimize duplicate records being reported to the state and NICS system. This component will build on the NARIP 2011 and 2012 projects initiated by Probate Court Administration (PCA), the Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services (DHMAS), the Judicial Branch and the Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection (DESPP) to streamline the mental health records reporting and reduce the likelihood of disqualified individuals from obtaining firearm permits. The proposed solution will increase the data accuracy, timeliness and completeness of the mental health adjudication records being reported to the state and NICS system.
FED Grant ID:
TOTAL Project Cost