2024-25 CT Influenza Vaccination Clinics

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Flu activity in the U.S. last year (during the 2023-24 season) was moderately severe and with activity that returned to pre-COVID-19 pandemic levels but occurred earlier than is usual. We know that seasonal influenza activity, along with other respiratory viruses will continue increasing in the coming weeks and months.

Respiratory viruses, which include influenza (flu), COVID-19, and Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) are highly contagious and present a severe threat to the public’s health.

Annual vaccination is the best way to protect against severe illness due to influenza.

The CT Department of Public Health (DPH) and CT Immunization Coalition have partnered with Local Health Departments to provide a list of flu clinics around the state (see schedule below). You can also visit vaccines.gov or easyvax.com to find a pharmacy offering influenza vaccination in your area. DPH strongly recommends that persons 6 months of age and older get an annual flu shot. Several local health departments and districts plan to offer vaccinations to children and adults. 

Check for information on clinic dates, homebound services and vaccines offered by Local Health Departments here. If your town is not listed, please visit this link to find which local health department your town is part of, or consider checking with your healthcare provider or local pharmacy. 

Many insurance companies cover the cost of the flu shot. Bring a current insurance card to the vaccination clinic. Check with your local health department for any fees associated with vaccine administration.


General Public