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How Forests Offset Climate Change and Its Impacts
Introduction to how forests offset climate change and its impacts
The actions we take on a daily basis can impact Connecticut forests and their ability to mitigate the negative impacts of climate change.
Climate Change and Connecticut Forests
An introduction to the relationship between climate change and its impacts and Connecticut forests.
An introduction to how a forest absorbs and releases carbon, where it stores carbon, and what influences forest carbon accumulation dynamics.
Why Manage Forests in the Face of Climate Change
Forest management practices can be tailored to improve forest health, resilience, and adaptability, and they also create opportunities to increase forests’ capacity to mitigate the negative impacts of climate change on society.
How Climate Change Impacts Forests
Climate change is altering the natural disturbance regimes to which Connecticut forests are adapted.
Classification of Land as Forest Land
Learn about the process of enrolling your land in Public Act 490, a forest land classification for property tax purposes.
Information about the Tree City USA program in Connecticut.
Laws and Regulations Regarding Connecticut Trees
Laws and Regulations Regarding Connecticut Trees
A guide to aboreta in Connecticut
Urban Forestry Grant Opportunities
An overview of urban and community forestry grant opportunities in Connecticut.
Contacts and Information for Tree Issues
A page for contacts and information to help the public navigate tree issues
Forest Legacy Program Projects
Learn about the various projects accomplished through the Forest Legacy Program.
Estate Planning Resources and the Forest Legacy Program
The CT DEEP partners with the US Forest Service to implement the Connecticut Forest Legacy Program to identify and conserve environmentally important forests.
The majority of wildfires in Connecticut are human-caused by improper burning of debris, arson, campfires, discarded wood ashes, and equipment.