State and Local Government
Local and state governments in Connecticut have demonstrated important leadership to address climate change through implementing energy efficiency programs, switching to clean energy sources, and utilizing more fuel efficient vehicles. However, there continues to be significant opportunities to take further steps to reduce emissions in the public sector. Learn more about these opportunities:
Greenhouse Gas Inventory Tools
Developing a greenhouse gas inventory is important when implementing an action plan to increase energy efficiency and decrease emissions in your state or in your community. These tools utilize data covering fossil fuel consumption, electricity consumption, agriculture, forestry, waste management, and industry.
State Inventory Tool: Use this tool to develop state GHG emissions inventories and create a simple forecast of emissions through 2030.
Local Inventory Tool: Use this tool to compile a GHG inventory for your entire community or for local government operations in particular.
Energy Efficiency
Dollars saved from energy efficiency can be reinvested back into the community to enhance the public services offered. Communities that support energy saving measures also can benefit from improved air quality and reduced greenhouse gas emissions.
Energize CT: Find out more about programs that match your town's or community's smart energy needs.
Energy Star Portfolio Manager: Use this tool to measure and track energy and water consumption, greenhouse gas emission, and to benchmark building performance.
Lead by Example: The Department of Energy and Environmental Protection’s Lead By Example (LBE) program will reduce energy use in Connecticut’s State and Local Government buildings and operations.
EPA Climate and Energy Resources for State, Local, and Tribal Governments: EPA's State and Local Climate and Energy Program offers expertise about energy efficiency, renewable energy, and climate change policies and programs to interested state, local, and tribal governments.
Solarize CT: Solarize CT is a proven model for advancing residential solar by utilizing key ingredients. Learn how your community can benefit from this program.
Save Money and Reduce Trash (SMART): SMART programs can help your community conserve natural resources, reduce water use, reduce emissions of air and water pollutants, increase energy savings, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Community Development
Promoting compact, pedestrian-oriented, mixed use development is critical for the state to compete economically and meet its greenhouse gas reduction goals.
EPA Smart Growth: Smart growth strategies help communities grow in ways that expand economic opportunity while protecting human health and the environment.
Complete Streets: It is the belief of the National Complete Streets Coalition that everyone, regardless of age, ability, income, race, or ethnicity, ought to have safe, comfortable, and convenient access to community destinations and public places–whether walking, driving, bicycling, or taking public transportation.
LEED: Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, is changing the way we think about how buildings and communities are planned, constructed, maintained and operated.
Connecticut's Conservation and Development Plan: Prepared by the Connecticut Office of Policy and Management, this plan provides the framework for ongoing development in Connecticut.
DEEP Urban Forestry Program: This program provides opportunities for municipalities, organizations and individuals to become engaged in effective urban forestry activities.
Resiliency and Adaptation
A changing climate can lead to more powerful storms, rising sea levels, and increased risks of flooding. Learn more about what your community can do to adapt to the challenges of a changing climate.
Connecticut Institute for Resilience & Climate Adaptation: The mission of the Connecticut Institute for Resilience and Climate Adaptation (CIRCA) is to increase the resilience and sustainability of vulnerable communities along Connecticut’s coast and inland waterways.
Climate Adaptation Academy: The Climate Adaptation Academy provides municipalities with information and tools to help them adapt to a changing climate.
Climate Change in Long Island Sound: This web page provides municipalities with examples and ideas on the actions they can take to address climate change in their portion of the Long Island Sound watershed.
Content last updated August 2017