Index of Agency Regulations

Number  / Title

10-19m-1 - 10-19m-10
The Youth Service Bureau Grant Program

17a-6(g)-12 -17a-6(g)-16
Administration of Medication in Day Programs and Residential Facilities by Trained Persons

17a-11-1 - 17a-11-27
Voluntary Services

17a-16-6 - 17a-16-13
Rights of Children and Youth Under the Supervision of the Commissioner of Children and Families

17a-17-1 - 17a-17-16
Single Cost Accounting System for Payment of Room and Board and Education Expenses

17a-20-1 - 17a-20-5
Department Assistance to Psychiatric Clinics & Community Health Facilities

17a-20-6 - 17a-20-61
Licensure of Outpatient Psychiatric Clinics For Children

17a-22-1 - 17a-22-5
Aid to Day Treatment Centers for Emotionally Disturbed, Mentally Ill, Autistic Children and Youth

17a-101k-1 - 17a-101k-16
Child Neglect and Abuse Registry

17a-116-6 - 17a-116-14
Subsidized Adoptions of Special Needs Children

17a-120-3 - 17a-120-9
Medical Expense Subsidy for Adoptive Parents

17a-126-1 - 17a-126-23
Subsidized Guardianship

17a-145-48 - 17a-145-58
Operation of Child-Caring Agencies and Facilities

17a-145-59 - 17a-145-98
Children's Homes or Similar Institutions, Residential Treatment Fac., Group Homes & Temp Shelters

17a-145-130 - 17a-145-160
Foster and Prospective Adoptive Families

17a-147-1 t- 17a-147-36
Licensing of Extended Day Treatment Programs

17a-150-51 - 17a-150-123
Child Placing Agency Licensing and Responsibilities

45a-728-1 - 45a-728-10
Adoption Placement of Children Who Have Been Identified or Located by Prospective Adoptive Parents