Connecticut eRegulations System

Agency Regulations

Administration of Medication in Day Programs and Residential Facilities by Trained Persons

Section 17a-6(g)-12. Scope of regulations

These regulations apply to the administration of medications by trained persons in certain day programs and residential facilities as defined in Section 13 of these regulations. For the purpose of these regulations, it is understood that medicinal preparations being administered have been properly dispensed as prescribed by law.

(Effective February 1, 1994)

Section 17a-6(g)-13. Definitions

(a) "Administration of medication" means the direct application of a medication by means other than injection to the body of a person and/or the giving of such medication to a person.

(b) "Commissioner" means the Commissioner of Department of Children and Families.

(c) "Day programs and residential facilities" means:

(1) Children's Homes or Similar Institutions, Residential Treatment Facilities, Group Homes, and Temporary Shelters licensed by the Department under Section 17a-145 of the Connecticut General Statutes and funded by the Department.

(2) Department administered day programs and residential facilities with limited availability of nursing staff designated by the Commissioner to utilize trained persons to administer medications.

(d) "Department" means Department of Children and Families.

(e) "Medication" means drugs (excluding injectable preparations) as defined in Chapter 418 of the Connecticut General Statutes.

(f) "Unlicensed personnel" means any person who has successfully completed a training program approved by the department pursuant to Section 17a-6(g)-14 of these regulations and who has been issued a certificate authorizing him to administer medication to persons.

(g) "Licensed medical personnel" means a physician licensed under Chapter 370 of the General Statutes, a dentist licensed under Chapter 379 of the General Statutes, a registered nurse licensed under Chapter 378 of the General Statutes, a licensed practical nurse licensed under Chapter 378 of the General Statutes practicing under the direction of a registered nurse and a pharmacist licensed under Chapter 382 of the General Statutes.

(Effective February 1, 1994)

Section 17a-6(g)-14. Designation of Trained persons

(a) Unlicensed personnel in day programs and residential facilities who will be administering medication shall successfully complete a training program which shall be provided by the Department.

(b) Day programs and residential facilities shall designate the persons to be trained and submit a listing of such person to the Department.

(c) Persons to be trained must be high school graduates and/or be otherwise qualified to participate in the training program as recommended by the director of the day program or residential facility and approved by the Department.

(Effective February 1, 1994)

Section 17a-6(g)-15. Administration of Medication Training Program

(a) The Department will provide a training program for unlicensed persons designated by day programs and residential facilities.

(b) The Department will designate licensed medical personnel or contract with appropriate education agencies to conduct the training program.

(c) The training program may be conducted at a central location or various locations throughout the state.

(d) The location and frequency of the programs will be determined by the Department based on the needs of the day programs and residential facilities and the number and residences of the persons to be trained.

(e) The courses/curriculum content shall include but not be limited to:


General background on drug control laws

Desired effects, side-effects, adverse reactions and interactions of medications

Assessment of adverse reactions and course of action if an adverse reaction occurs

Error in administration of medication and course of action

Drug classification, types, dosage, measurement

Safe storage and control of medications

Procedure for administration: right person, right medication, right dosage, right method, right time

Physical and psychological contraindications of administration of medication

Documentation: recording of administration and of unusual signs

Supervision and consultation provided by licensed medical staff and pharmacist

Resources for further information


(f) The Department will maintain a current listing of those persons who have successfully completed the training program and have been authorized to administer medications. The listing will also identify the program or facility in which such persons are employed.

(g) Each person who successfully completes the training program shall be provided with documentation of completion of the program. The original documentation shall be provided to the person and copy maintained by the Department. In addition, the Department will provide a copy to the day program or residential facility.

(Effective February 1, 1994)

Section 17a-6(g)-16. Utilization of Trained Persons to Administer Medication

(a) Day programs and residential facilities utilizing trained persons to administer medications shall maintain a current listing of such persons as well as a copy of each person's authorization to administer medications.

(b) Day programs and residential facilities shall establish and maintain written policies (in accordance with Department Licensing Regulations 17a-145-75) including but not limited to:

(1) Instructions defining the role and responsibilities of trained persons

(2) Assuring adequate supervision of or consultation with trained persons by licensed medical staff

(3) Assuring adequate back-up by licensed medical persons

(4) Specifying procedures for storage, access, administration and recording medication

(5) Providing that all medications be administered in accordance with instructions of a licensed physician or dentist

(6) Specifying procedures regarding errors and adverse reaction in administration of medication

(c) Day programs and residential facilities shall provide continuing education on Administration of Medication to Trained Person Staff Members.

(d) Medications to be administered by trained persons shall be ordered and administered in pre-packaged unit doses if available from the pharmacy supplying medications to the day program or residential facility.

(Effective February 1, 1994)