June 20, 2023
- Notice of Scoping for Webster Block Project, Norwalk.
- REVISED! Notice of Scoping for Capitol Area System (CAS) Central Plant Upgrades, Hartford.
- NEW! Cancellation Notice for Bella Vista Apartments Project, Ansonia.
- NEW! Notice of Scoping for Pleasant View Water Main Interconnection Project, New Milford.
Scoping Notice - Post-Scoping Notice (Need More Time)
- NEW! Notice of Time Extension for Post-Scoping Notice for Interchange Improvements to I-91, I-691, and Route 15, Meriden and Middletown.
- Post-Scoping Notice for Community Recreation Center Project, New London.
- Post-Scoping Notice for Seymour Reservoir No. 4 Dam Repair Project, Oxford.
- NEW! Post-Scoping Notice for Kensington State Fish Hatchery Solar Project, Berlin.
Environmental Impact Evaluation (EIE)
No EIE Notice has been submitted for publication in this edition.
No Record of Decision Notice has been submitted for publication in this edition.
No Determination of Adequacy Notice has been submitted for publication in this edition.
No State Land Transfer Notice has been submitted for publication in this edition.
The next edition of the Environmental Monitor will be published on July 3, 2023.
Subscribe to e-alerts to receive an e-mail when the Environmental Monitor is published.
Notices in the Environmental Monitor are written and formatted by the sponsoring agencies and are published unedited. Questions about the content of any notice should be directed to the sponsoring agency.
Inquiries and requests to view or copy documents, pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, must be submitted to the sponsoring state agency.
Scoping Notice
"Scoping" is for projects in the earliest stages of planning. At the scoping stage, detailed information on a project's design, alternatives, and environmental impacts does not yet exist. Sponsoring agencies are asking for comments from other agencies and from the public as to the scope of alternatives and environmental impacts that should be considered for further study. Send your comments to the contact person listed for the project by the date indicated. Read More
1. Notice of Scoping for Webster Block Project
Address of possible location: 55 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive
Municipality where proposed action might be located: Norwalk
Project Description: The Municipal Brownfield Grant will be used to remediate the contaminated soil under a 4.97-acre, city-owned parking lot named Webster Block, located at 55 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive. This remediation will enable the development of 472 mixed-income residential units, 40,000 square feet of commercial space, and 1,159 structured parking spaces. The redevelopment project also includes a 16,500 square foot pedestrian-only alley to be lined with restaurants, cafes, and a 25,000 sq. ft. public park.
Project Map: Click here to view a map of the project area.
Written comments from the public are welcomed and will be accepted until the close of business on: July 6, 2023.
Any person may ask the sponsoring agency to hold a public scoping meeting by sending such a request to the address below. If a public scoping meeting is requested by 25 or more individuals, or by an association that represents 25 or more members, the sponsoring agency shall schedule a public scoping meeting. Such requests must be made by: June 16, 2023.
Additional information about the project can be viewed online at: https://www.norwalkredevelopmentagency.org/webster-lot-redevelopment
Written comments and/or requests for a public scoping meeting should be sent to
Name: William Wallach
Agency: Department of Economic and Community Development
Address: 450 Columbus Boulevard, Hartford, CT 06103
E-Mail: william.wallach@ct.gov
Inquiries and requests to view and or copy documents, pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, must be submitted to the sponsoring state agency:
Name: Mark Burno
Agency: Department of Economic and Community Development
Address: 450 Columbus Blvd, Suite 5, Hartford, CT 06103
E-Mail: mark.burno@ct.gov
What Happens Next: The sponsoring agency will make a determination whether to proceed with preparation of an Environmental Impact Evaluation (EIE) or that the project does not require the preparation of an EIE under the Connecticut Environmental Policy Act (CEPA). A Post-Scoping Notice of its decision will appear in a future edition of the Environmental Monitor.
2. Notice of Scoping for Capitol Area System (CAS) Central Plant Upgrades (Revised)
Address: 490 Capitol Ave
Municipality: Hartford
Project Description: The Capitol Area System (CAS) central plant, formerly the Capital District Energy Center Cogeneration Associates (CDECCA) plant, was originally constructed in 1988 as a privately-owned and operated natural gas fired powerplant used to provide peaking energy to the ISO New England power market and to provide hot and chilled water to the CAS thermal loop.The CAS loop circulates hot and chilled water produced by the central plant through a three-mile network of underground pipes to provide heating and cooling for the fifteen (15) state, private, and non-profit facilities currently connected to the loop.
Historically, the state contracted with CDECCA to supply hot and chilled water from their facility to serve the CAS thermal loop. In 2019, in response to escalating costs, the Department of Administrative Services (DAS) conducted a study to evaluate economically feasible options for the continued operation of the thermal loop and its corresponding central plant operations that included maintaining the current arrangement with CDECCA, the state purchasing and renovating the existing facility, and the state building a new thermal energy facility.
Based on that study, it was determined that the option to purchase and renovate the existing facility was the most feasible option and would also allow the state to undertake upgrades and improvement to assist in meeting the goals identified in the Governor’s Executive Order (EO) # 1 and # 21-3. In 2021, the power generation function of the central plant was decommissioned, and the state purchased the facility in 2022 to continue to provide hot and chilled water to the facilities on the CAS thermal loop.
DAS is in the process of conducting a CAS Decarbonization Study to define, develop, and assess options for upgrading the CAS operations, including an evaluation of both supply and demand side options, and is seeking public comment. DAS is not seeking to restore the facility as power generating station.
Supply side options currently being considered include:
- Hybrid of Heat pumps and electric boilers;
100% electric boilers;
100% heat pumps (ground source or air source);
Hybrid of Heat pumps & Natural Gas Condensing boilers that are capable of transitioning to cleaner fuels;
100% Natural Gas Condensing boilers capable of transitioning to cleaner fuels;
Demand side options currently being considered include:
- Reduce loads via energy efficiency at public and private facilities and reduce heating supply temperature;
Reduce loads via energy efficiency at public facilities and keep heating supply temperature as is;
Maintain existing status quo.
Project Map: Click here to view a map of the project area.
Written comments from the public are welcomed and will be accepted until the close of business on: Friday, July 7, 2023.
NEW Public Scoping Meeting: There will be a VIRTUAL Public Scoping Meeting on Tuesday, June 27 beginning at 6:00pm.
To join the meeting via Microsoft Teams, use your computer or mobile device and Click here to join the meeting or copy and paste the following into your internet browser:
Meeting ID: 295 495 220 249
Passcode: ztn8EL
Persons with limited internet access may join by phone (audio only), by dialing 1-860-840-2075 and entering the Phone Conference ID: 364 653 974# when prompted.
A digital copy of the presentation will be made available after the meeting. Requests for hardcopies of meeting materials may be made by emailing matthew.pafford@ct.gov.
Written comments and/or questions should be sent to:
Name: Matthew Pafford
Agency: Department of Administrative Services
Address:450 Columbus Blvd, Hartford, CT 06103
E-Mail: matthew.pafford@ct.gov
Inquiries and requests to view and or copy documents, pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, must be submitted to DAS through the FOI Records Request Portal or call the Commissioner's Office staff at 860-713-5100.
What Happens Next: The sponsoring agency will make a determination whether to proceed with preparation of an Environmental Impact Evaluation (EIE) or that the project does not require the preparation of an EIE under the Connecticut Environmental Policy Act (CEPA). A Post-Scoping Notice of its decision will appear in a future edition of the Environmental Monitor.
3. Cancellation Notice for Bella Vista Apartments Project
Address of possible location: 501 East Main Street and 65 Main Street
Municipality where it would have been located: Ansonia
Agency Determination: The Department of Economic and Community Development (DECD) has withdrawn funding for the project, as described the last time a notice appeared in the Environmental Monitor on February 7, 2023, because of issues unrelated to the environmental review requirements of the Connecticut Environmental Policy Act (CEPA). The redevelopment project will proceed as planned without state funding involved.
Agency contact:
Name: William Wallach
Agency: Department of Economic and Community Development
Address: 450 Columbus Boulevard, Suite 5, Hartford, CT 06103
E-Mail: william.wallach@ct.gov
What Happens Next: The state funding for the proposed project is cancelled. Should the project seek state funding from the DECD at a future date, the CEPA process will be initiated again with a new Scoping Notice announcing that intent.
4. Notice of Scoping for Pleasant View Water Main Interconnection Project
Address of possible location: Prospect Hill Road (CT Route 67), Legion Road, Dorwin Hill Road and Pleasant View Road
Municipality where proposed action might be located: New Milford
Project Description: Aquarion Water Company (Aquarion) proposes to interconnect the Aquarion New Milford Regional (PWSID# CT0960011) water system with the Aquarion Pleasant View (PWSID# CT0960301) water system. This proposal includes installation of approximately 4,260 feet (ft) of water main on Prospect Hill Road, 150 ft of new water main on Legion Road, 4,425 ft of new water main on Dorwin Hill Rd, and 70 ft of new water main on Pleasant View Rd. Aquarion proposes that completing the interconnection between the two systems will eliminate existing water quality concerns, increase capacity, improve reliability and ensure an adequate margin of safety for the Pleasant View water system.
Project Map: Click here to view a map of the project area.
Written comments from the public are welcomed and will be accepted until the close of business on: July 20, 2023.
Any person may ask the sponsoring agency to hold a public scoping meeting by sending such a request to the address below. If a public scoping meeting is requested by 25 or more individuals, or by an association that represents 25 or more members, the sponsoring agency shall schedule a public scoping meeting. Such requests must be made by: June 30, 2023.
Written comments and/or requests for a public scoping meeting should be sent to:
Name: Eric McPhee
Agency: Department of Public Health, Drinking Water Section
Address: 410 Capitol Avenue, MS #12DWS, PO Box 340308, Hartford, CT 06134-0308
E-Mail: dph.sourceprotection@ct.gov
If you have questions about the scoping for this project, contact:
Name: Eric McPhee
Agency: Department of Public Health, Drinking Water Section
Address: 410 Capitol Avenue, MS #12DWS, PO Box 340308, Hartford, CT 06134-0308
Phone: 860-509-7333
E-Mail: dph.sourceprotection@ct.gov
Inquiries and requests to view and or copy documents, pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, must be submitted to the sponsoring state agency:
Agency: Department of Public Health, Hearing Office
Address: 410 Capitol Avenue, MS #13PHO Hartford, CT 06134-0308
E-Mail: DPH.foi@ct.gov
Phone: 860-566-5682
What Happens Next: The sponsoring agency will make a determination whether to proceed with preparation of an Environmental Impact Evaluation (EIE) or that the project does not require the preparation of an EIE under the Connecticut Environmental Policy Act (CEPA). A Post-Scoping Notice of its decision will appear in a future edition of the Environmental Monitor.
Scoping Notice - Post-Scoping Notice (Need More Time)
If an agency is unable to publish a Post-Scoping Notice within six months after the comment period for scoping, the agency will publish an update with an action status and an estimate as to when a Post-Scoping Notice will be published. Such an update will be published by the agency at six-month intervals until the Post-Scoping Notice is published. Read More
1. Notice of Time Extension for Post-Scoping Notice for Interchange Improvements to I-91, I-691, and Route 15
Municipalities where proposed action would be located: Meriden and Middletown
Connecticut Environmental Policy Act (CEPA) Determination: On September 22, 2020, the Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT) published a Notice of Scoping to solicit public comments for State Project Nos. 79-240, 79-245, and 79-246 in the Environmental Monitor. A virtual CEPA public scoping meeting was held on October 8, 2020. On January 4, 2022, June 21, 2022, and December 20, 2022, CTDOT published notices of time extension for a post scoping notice since further analysis was needed prior to making a final CEPA determination. CTDOT is still in the process of obtaining additional information and is unable to publish its determination regarding this action at this time.
Action Status: CTDOT is awaiting additional information.
Estimated Publication Date: The CTDOT estimates that a Post-Scoping Notice will be published in the Environmental Monitor on or before August 22, 2023.
If you have questions about the proposed action, contact:
Name: Mr. Sebastian Cannamela, P.E., Transportation Principal Engineer
Agency: Connecticut Department of Transportation, Bureau of Engineering and Construction
Address: 2800 Berlin Turnpike, Newington, CT 06131
Phone: 860-594-2698
E-Mail: Sebastian.Cannamela@ct.gov
What Happens Next: The CTDOT will make a determination whether to proceed with preparation of an Environmental Impact Evaluation (EIE) or that the project does not require the preparation of an EIE under the CEPA. A Post-Scoping Notice of its decision will appear in a future edition of the Environmental Monitor.
Post-Scoping Notice
A Post-Scoping Notice is the determination by a sponsoring agency, after publication of a Scoping Notice and consideration of comments received, whether an Environmental Impact Evaluation (EIE) needs to be prepared for a proposed State action. Read More
1. Post-Scoping Notice for Community Recreation Center Project
Address of possible location: One Recreation Way
Municipality where proposed action might be located: New London
Connecticut Environmental Policy Act (CEPA) Determination: On November 8, 2022, the Department of Economic and Community Development (DECD) published a Notice of Scoping to solicit public comments for this proposed Community Recreation Center Project in the Environmental Monitor. No CEPA scoping meeting was scheduled, and there were no requests to hold a CEPA scoping meeting.
No comments were received from the public during the public comment period. Comments were received from the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection and can be accessed here. DECD’s responses to the comments from CT DEEP are included in the Environmental Review Checklist here.
After consideration of the comments received, the DECD has determined the project does not require the preparation of an Environmental Impact Evaluation (EIE) under CEPA. DECD’s conclusion is documented in a Memo of Findings and Determination here and an Environmental Review Checklist here.
Agency contact:
Name: William Wallach
Agency: Department of Economic and Community Development
Address: 450 Columbus Boulevard, Suite 5, Hartford, CT 06103
E-Mail: William.wallach@ct.gov
Inquiries and requests to view and or copy documents, pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, must be submitted to the sponsoring State agency:
Name: Mark Burno
Agency: Department of Economic and Community Development
Address: 450 Columbus Boulevard, Suite 5, Hartford, CT 06103
E-Mail: mark.burno@ct.gov
What Happens Next: DECD expects the project to go forward. This is expected to be the final notice of the project to be published in the Environmental Monitor.
2. Post-Scoping Notice for Seymour Reservoir No. 4 Dam Repair Project
Address of Possible Project Location: Naugatuck State Forest, Chestnut Tree Hill Road.
Municipality where it would be located: Oxford.
Connecticut Environmental Policy Act (CEPA) Determination: On February 21, 2023, the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) published a Notice of Scoping to solicit public comments for this proposed project in the Environmental Monitor.
No comments were received during the public comment period.
DEEP has determined that the project does not require the preparation of an Environmental Impact Evaluation (EIE) under the CEPA. The agency’s conclusion is documented in a Memo of Findings and Determination and an Environmental Review Checklist.
Agency contact:
Name: James Heaven
Agency: Department of Energy and Environmental Protection
Address: 79 Elm Street, Hartford, CT 06106
Phone: 860-519-7029
E-Mail: James.Heaven@ct.gov
Inquiries and requests to view and or copy documents, pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, must be submitted to the sponsoring State agency to the above-mentioned agency contact.
What Happens Next: The Department of Energy and Environmental Protection expects the proposed Seymour Reservoir No. 4 repair project to go forward. This is expected to be the final notice of the project to be published in the Environmental Monitor.
3. Post-Scoping Notice for Kensington State Fish Hatchery Solar Project
Project Title: Kensington State Fish Hatchery
Address of Possible Project Location: 120 Old Hatchery Road, Kensington
Municipality where it would be located: Berlin
Connecticut Environmental Policy Act (CEPA) Determination: On December 7, 2021, the Department of Administrative Services (DAS) published a Notice of Scoping to solicit public comments for this proposed project in the Environmental Monitor. DAS published time extension notices on September 20, 2022 and on May 16, 2023 to allow for additional time to evaluate the project.
No public scoping meeting was held.
Agency contact:
Name: Michael Barrera
Agency: Department of Administrative Services
Address: 450 Columbus Boulevard, Suite 1501, Hartford, CT 06103
E-Mail: Michael.Barrera@ct.gov
Inquiries and requests to view and or copy documents, pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, must be submitted to DAS through the FOI Records Request Portal.
What Happens Next: The DAS expects the project to go forward. This is expected to be the final notice of the project to be published in the Environmental Monitor.
EIE Notice
After Scoping, an agency that wishes to undertake an action that could significantly affect the environment must produce, for public review and comment, a detailed written evaluation of the expected environmental impacts. This is called an Environmental Impact Evaluation (EIE). Read More
Agency Record of Decision
After an Environmental Impact Evaluation (EIE) is developed, an agency will prepare a concise public record of decision, which takes into consideration the agency’s findings in the EIE, and any comments received on that evaluation. Read More
OPM's Determination of Adequacy
After an Environmental Impact Evaluation (EIE) and record of decision are developed, the Office of Policy and Management (OPM) will determine if the EIE and the associated process are adequate. If not, OPM will specify the areas of inadequacy with reference to CEPA or the CEPA regulations and specify the corrective action required. Read More
State Land Transfer Notice
Connecticut General Statutes Section 4b-47 requires public notice of most proposed sales and transfers of state-owned lands. The public has an opportunity to comment on any such proposed transfer. Each notice includes an address where comments should be sent. Read more about the process.
CEPA Project Inventory
The Office of Policy and Management (OPM) maintains a list of projects that have entered the CEPA process. It shows each project's status. The inventory can be found here.
CEQ Contact Information
All inquiries and requests of the Council should be sent electronically to: paul.aresta@ct.gov.
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