Tuberculosis Quarantine Laws
SUMMARY (C.G.S. Chapter 386g, Sec. 19a-265):
To view the complete law, please visit the Connecticut General Assembly website.
- Helps ensure that people with potentially infectious TB are made noninfectious as quickly as possible.
- Helps ensure that people with TB complete their prescribed medical regimen.
- Prevents the emergence and spread of multi-drug resistant TB (MDR-TB).
- Helps ensure that people who need help to comply with their TB treatment get assistance.
- A hospital discharge plan, if the patient has been hospitalized.
- An outpatient treatment plan.
To be completed by the local health director in collaboration with: the state TB control program, the primary physician for the patient, and the patient. Steps must occur in this order. Each step has procedural requirements, with a time frame.
- Issue a warning for examination.
- Issue a warning for treatment.
- Issue a warning for DOT (Directly Observed Therapy).
- Issue an emergency commitment order for those who do not comply with the above steps.
- Petition the probate court for a judicial commitment order until therapy is complete.
- A person will not be forced to swallow medications.
- All warnings and orders will be in a language that the patient can understand.
- A person subject to a probate court order has the right to appeal to superior court.
- Any action (for example, a warning for treatment, examination, or DOT) will be supported by proper documentation.
- All orders, applications and petitions of local health directors shall be kept confidential.
- A person who cannot afford legal counsel will have it provided for him/her.
A complete copy of the Connecticut's Tuberculosis Control Law may be obtained by calling the TB Control Program at 860-509-7722.
This page last updated 7/22/2021.