Claim Filing - Employer Guide

How to Designate a Claim Filing Location


Pursuant to  link opens in new browser tab  Public Act 17-141 employers may optionally choose to post the location to which an employee must send a claim for workers' compensation benefits. When an employer does this, the Commission posts the employer's statutorily-required Notice to Employees form that includes this employer-designated claim filing address, on this website where it will be available to employees.


If you are an employer who has chosen to post in your workplace a location where your employees must file their claims for compensation, please refer to Chairman’s Memorandum No. 2017-08 for instructions on submitting that location information to the Workers’ Compensation Commission for posting on this website.

When submitting your designated location information — in the PDF file format required by the Commission — send that information using only the email address provided on this page:

Please note when submitting information, that the employer must include the phrase "Employer PDF Submission" in the email subject line.



It is imperative that you follow the directions outlined in Memorandum No. 2017-08. The Commission will not process incomplete information, or information sent in the incorrect formatting. In addition, any information sent to any email address other than the one set up for that purpose will not be processed by the Commission.