Online Services


Claim Filing - Location Search

Pursuant to  link opens in new browser tab  Public Act 17-141 employers may optionally choose to post the location to which an employee must send a claim for workers' compensation benefits. When an employer does this, the Commission posts the employer's statutorily-required Notice to Employees form that includes this employer-designated claim filing address, on this website where it will be available to employees.

Claim Filing - Employer Guide

Instructions for employers that wish to designate for their employees a specific location where those employees must file any claims they may make for workers' compensation benefits.

Coverage Verification Service

This service enables you to quickly see whether or not a business operating in the State of Connecticut has workers’ compensation insurance coverage.

Electronic Form 6B Submission

Electronically submit a Form 6B through WCC's automated Form 6B filing process.

First Report of Injury Submission Service

Information and Instructions on electronically filing First Reports of Injury through EDI transmission, or by using the online First Report of Injury Submission service. 

Records and Information Request Service via GovQA

Information and Portal Access to submit and monitor the status of records and information requests.