Editing Agency Landing Page from Content Editor

Editing the Agency Landing Page from the Content Editor is easy to do. Just follow these simple steps.

  1. Log into Sitecore.
  2. Click on Content Editor icon. Content Editor icon
  3. Navigate to your agency icon Agency name using the content tree structure.
    Content Editor Content Tree

  4. From here, select the folder icon _resources folder then the folder icon Agency Landing Page folder. Here you can edit the sections of the homepage from the various files.
    Content Editor Content Tree  Agency Landing Page
  • Agency Landing Page - Edit the Agency banner and other page properties
  • 3 Featured boxes - Edit the featured box items
  • Agency Alert - Edit the Agency alert notice (displays on every page)
  • Commissioner Message - Edit the Commissioner area (photo, welcome message, About links, blue boxes, social media)
  • Contact Info - Edit the Agency Contact information and links
  • Most Popular List - Edit the list of Popular Services
  • Quick Links (3 columns) - Edit the list of links (these will be called something different on your landing page)
    • Program and Services
    • Publications
    • Resources