Add Page Properties

Add and edit additional information in the Page Properties box, like page title, teasers and metadata, to the page you just created to help others better understand the content of the page.


Show the Page Title

The page title does not automatically display on your page, so must be activated to display.

  1. Select the Toggle Show Page Title link in the grey page properties bar.
  2. A toolbox will appear with icons. Select the field editor edit image icon icon located at the top left of the screen.
    Toggle Page Title
  3. Select the Show Content Title checkbox.
  4. Select OK.
  5. Select the Save Save icon icon located at the top left of the screen.


NOTE: Select the Unlock icon Lock and Unlock icon on the Experience Editor Ribbon under the Home tab to Check in your page if you are done editing.


Add/Edit Teaser

A teaser is a brief description of the page that appears under the title in the topic listing it was tagged to. View the secondary page template for an example. To add a teaser, follow the steps below.

  1. Select the Add/Edit Teaser link in the grey page properties bar.
    Add Teaser link

  2. A toolbox will appear with icons. Select the field editor edit image icon icon.
  3. A dialog box will appear displaying a field to enter the Teaser. Enter a brief description of the page. Use keywords in the description that visitors may search to find this task/page. Try to keep description high level and less than two sentences, about 275 characters.
    Teaser Dialog Box

  4. Select OK.
  5. Select the Save Save icon icon located at the top left of the screen.


NOTE: Select the UnLock icon Lock and Unlock icon on the Experience Editor Ribbon under the Home tab to Check in your page if you are done editing.


Add/Edit Meta Data

Providing Meta Data helps search engines understand the content of your page (in addition to the content ON your page).

  1. Select the Add/Edit Meta Data link in the page properties bar.

    Edit Meta Data

    • A toolbar will appear with icons. Select the Add/Edit Meta Data edit image icon icon.
  2. A dialog box will appear displaying fields to enter in Metadata.
    • MetaDescription - A brief description of the task/page that displays in search results.
    • MetaKeywords - A short list of keywords or phrases, separated by commas, that help guide search engines to the content more accurately.
    • MetaTitle - The title that displays in the browser or browser tab header and search results.
  3. Ensure the MetaTitle field displays the page title as shown on your page. The meta description and keywords are optional.
    MetaData Dialog Box
  4. Select OK.
  5. Select the Save icon Save icon located at the top left of the screen.

NOTE: Select the UnLock icon Lock and Unlock icon on the Experience Editor Ribbon under the Home tab to Check in your page if you are done editing.


Next: Add Content