Tag the Page

To have this newly created page show up on your website, you will need to associate it with the relevant topic(s) or list(s) currently on your website. This is done through tagging. Tagging a page can be done at three possible levels:

NOTE: Tagging does NOT apply to Lift and Shift Agencies.


Add to CT.gov Topic
  1. Select the Add to CT.gov Topic link in the page properties bar.

    Page Properties: Add CT.gov Topic

  2. A toolbox will appear with an icon that resembles three stacked cubes called the field icon. Select the field edit image icon icon.
  3. A dialog box will appear displaying the CT.gov Topic Categories in the left box.
    CTgov Topic Menu box
  4. Browse the Topic Category tree in the left box and select the sub-topic(s) you wish to tag the newly created page to.
    • You can select more than one sub-topic to tag the page to.
    • Tag the page to the lowest sub-topic(s) to ensure it will display on the sub-topics above it. If you tag it at a higher topic, it will not be shown past that topic level.
  5. Double click the sub-topic title to add it to the right box or you can click it once and select the top arrow (>) located in-between the boxes to add it.
  6. Select OK.
  7. Select the Save Save icon icon located in the top left area of the ribbon.

NOTE: Select the Lock Lock and Unlock icon icon to check in your page if you are done editing.


Add to Agency Navigation
  1. Select the Add to Agency Navigation link in the page properties bar.

    Page Properties: Add Agency Navigation

  2. A toolbox will appear with an icon that resembles three stacked cubes called the field icon. Select the field edit image icon icon.
  3. A dialog box will appear displaying the Agency Categories in the left box.

  4. Browse the agency categories tree and select the sub-topic(s) you wish to tag the newly created page to.
    • You can select more than one sub-topic to tag the page to.
    • Tag the page to the lowest sub-topic(s) to ensure it will display on the sub-topics above it. If you tag it at a higher topic, it will not be shown past that topic level.
  5. Double click the sub-topic title to add it to the right box or you can click it once and select the top arrow located in-between the boxes to add it.
  6. Select OK.
  7. Select the Save Save icon icon located in the top left area of the ribbon.

NOTE: Select the Lock Lock and Unlock icon icon to check in your page if you are done editing.


Add to List Template
  1. Select the Add to List Template link in the page properties bar.
    Page Properties: Add List Template
  2. A toolbox will appear with an icon that resembles three stacked cubes called the field icon. Select the field edit image icon icon.
  3. A menu bar will appear displaying the List Template topics in the left box.

    Page Properties: List Template

  4. Browse the topic tree and select the list you wish to tag the newly created page to.
    • You can select more than one list to tag the page to.
  5. Double click the list title to add it to the right box or you can click it once and select the top arrow located in-between the boxes to add it.
  6. Select OK.
  7. Select the Save icon Save icon located in the top left area of the ribbon.

NOTE: Select the Lock Lock and Unlock icon icon to check in your page if you are done editing.


Remove a Tagged Item
  1. Select the tagged sub-topic title in the right box.
  2. Double click the item to delete it OR click it once and select the bottom arrow (<) located in-between the boxes to delete it.
  3. Select OK.
  4. Select the Save Save icon icon located in the top left area of the ribbon.


Next: Add Page Properties