School Improvement Resources

The resources on this page are designed to assist districts and schools in all phases of the school improvement planning process including development, implementation, monitoring, and sustainability.

Needs Assessment Toolkit Including Root Cause Analysis

Change Management
John Kotter's Eight Step Change Model 

Evidence-Based Practices
Evidence-Based Practices
The CSDE Evidence-Based Practice Guides are intended to inform school and district decision-making regarding instructional and student support programming and to optimize the use of local, state, and federal school improvement funds. National Implementation Research Network Hexagon
This tool is designed to
assist with the selection/adoption of an evidence-based practice or program. The Hexagon Tool helps individuals and teams of educators gather information about the six broad factors: Needs, Fit, Resource Availability, Evidence, Readiness for Replication, and Capacity to Implement.   

Developing and Sustaining Effective Teams

Effective Teams in Education

Five Characteristics of an Effective School Team
The Basics of Developing Effective Teams
What Makes Effective Teaching Teams Tick?
Laying the Groundwork for Effective Teaching Teams
Strategies for Creating Effective School Leadership Teams
Four Steps to Create a More Cohesive Teacher Team
National College for Teaching and Leadership: Teams and School Improvement

Effective Partnerships
Partnership Planning Maps
CSDE External Provider Rubrics
National Implementation Research Network Stakeholder Engagement Guides

Professional Learning Communities
This resource includes protocols that offer structured processes to support focused and productive conversations, build collective understanding, and drive school improvement. Thoughtful use of these protocols is an integral part of building resilient professional learning communities. 

Walkthrough Tools

Commissioner’s Network Walkthrough Tool
Commissioner’s Network Multi-Class Walkthrough Tool
CSDE Commissioner's Network and School Improvement Grant Virtual Walkthrough Tool
K-2 Literacy Walkthrough Form
K-2 Literacy Learning Walk Debrief Discussion Guide
Math Walkthrough Tool



Jennifer Webb, Bureau Chief
Turnaround Office
Telephone: 860-713-6603