CSDE's SEL Resources
- 7 Ways CSDE is Leading Social-Emotional Learning
- 16 Ways CSDE is Supporting Social-Emotional Learning and Behavioral & Mental Health
- Addressing the Needs of the Whole Child: Social, Emotional, Behavioral, and Physical Health, as well as Academic Achievement, in Connecticut's SRBI Process, Topical Brief 3, Scientific Research-Based Interventions
- Components of Social, Emotional, and Intellectual Habits: Kindergarten through Grade 12 (CSDE)
- CT Friday Café Social-Emotional Wellbeing for Students: A Priority for Families and Schools
- Professional Support Series for Districts
- Professional Support Series for Families
- Promoting SEL Using a Strength-Based SEL Assessment in CT Schools, Connecticut Parent Advocacy Center (CPAC)
- Promoting Student Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) in Connecticut Schools, CT Association of Schools (CAS)
- Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) 101: Initial steps to building a solid foundation for SEL
- Social Emotional Learning Hub
- Social, Emotional, and Mental Health of the Students and of our School Staff
- Spark Innovation Session 6: Prioritizing Social, Emotional and Mental Health of our Students
- Talk Tuesday: CSDE’s Entry Points for Implementing SEL, May 3, 2022
- Talk Tuesday: Social Emotional Learning and Statewide Assessment Tools, May 18, 2021
CT Resources to Support our Children
- Cultivating Trauma-Sensitive Classroom Practices: A resilience-focused professional learning webinar for all educators (EASTCONN Psychological & Behavioral Consultation Services)
- Helping Our Children: Supporting their Mental Health
- Leveraging Multi-tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) to Enhance Educational Leadership
- Naugatuck Public Schools
- Windsor Public Schools
Talk Tuesdays Student Attendance, Engagement, and Support Series: Building Systems Coherence to Strengthen Social-Emotional Behavioral Learning and Supports to Maximize Student Engagement and Success, May 3, 2022
Kimberly Traverso, Education Consultant, CSDE
Dr. Michael Mallery, District Coordinator of Social Emotional Learning, Windsor Public Schools
National Resources
Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL)
- Reunite, Renew and Thrive: SEL Roadmap for Reopening Schools
- CASEL Evidence-based Guides
- Preschool and Elementary: Effective Social and Emotional Learning Programs—Preschool and Elementary School Edition
- Middle and High School: Effective Social and Emotional Learning Programs—Middle and High School Edition
- Equity and SEL
- Indicators of Schools and SEL
- What is SEL
Center for Great Teachers and Leaders, American Institute for Research (AIR)
- Integrating Social-Emotional Learning into State and District Policies
- Professional Learning Modules: Social and Emotional Learning in the Daily Life of Classrooms
- SEL Self-Assessment
- Teaching the Whole Child: Instructional Practices that Support Social-Emotional Learning in Three Teacher Evaluation Frameworks
- The SEL School: Connecting SEL to Effective Teaching
- Webinar: Integrating Social-Emotional Learning into State and District Policies
Programs and Strategies to Support Positive Approaches to Behavior
- Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning (CSEFEL)
- Returning to School During and After Crisis: Supporting States, Districts, Schools, Educators, Families, and Students through an MTSS Framework
- The Early Childhood Consultation Partnership (ECCP) (Advanced Behavioral Health, Inc.)
- The National Center for Pyramid Model Innovation (NCPMI)
Resources Addressing Trauma, Violence and Grief
- Advancing Education Effectiveness: Interconnecting School Mental Health and School-Wide Positive Behavior Support
- Building Effective Trauma-Informed School-Based Mental Health Systems for Youth
- Child Health and Development Institute of Connecticut (CHDI)
- Connecticut School Mental Health System
- Creation of a Culturally Responsive Trauma-Informed School Based System of Care
Self-care and Mental Health
- Care for the Caregivers: Wellness Strategies for Student Support Service Providers (CSDE)
- Healthy Schools Start with Healthy Adults: Strategies to Support Educator Wellness (CSDE)
State Board Position Statements
- Creating a Health Learning Environment that is Physically, Emotionally and Intellectually Safe
- Culturally Responsive Education
- Education of Students Who are English Language Learners
- Education of Students with Exceptionalities
- Equal Educational Opportunity
- Reducing Disproportionality in Suspensions and Expulsions (Exclusionary Discipline)
Serving the Whole Person: Guidance for Alignment and Coherence for State and Local Education Agencies: Implementing effective whole-person initiatives requires strategic alignment and coherence to create more equitable conditions in which every child, youth, and adult can learn, grow, and thrive.