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Easing into Secondary Transition: A Comprehensive Guide to Resources and Services in Connecticut
This guide provides information about professional development opportunities related to secondary transition as well as resources and services available statewide.
Information and Technology Literacy
Information and Technology Literacy subsumes what traditionally has been associated with library media, audiovisual, computer and other educational technology programs.
edTPA is a performance-based, subject-specific assessment and support system used by educator preparation programs (EPPs) to emphasize, support, and measure the skills and knowledge that teacher candidates need from day one to help all students in real classrooms learn.
Educator Preparation Providers (EPPs) and Programs in Connecticut
Educator preparation providers (EPP) and programs that are currently approved by the Connecticut State Board of Education.
Elementary and Early Childhood Cross-Endorsements
Elementary and Early Childhood Cross-Endorsements: Elementary, 1-6 (305), Integrated Early Childhood/Special Education, Birth-Kindergarten (112), Integrated Early Childhood/Special Education, Nursery-K – Elem. 1-3 (113)
Understanding/Implementing CT Core Standards in the Classroom - Math
Grade 1: Literacy in Social Studies: My Informational Report About Community Workers
Grade 4: Basic Archaeology - "What’s a Dig?" and "What’s a Midden?" by David White