Mathematical Practice Resources - Math
- K-12 Teachers: NCTM President on Rigor (nctm.org)
- How you can be good at math, and other surprising facts about learning – This TEDx Talk (May 22, 2016) by Stanford mathematics education professor Jo Boaler, shares the brain research showing that with the right teaching and messages, we can all be good at math. Not only that, our brains operate differently when we believe in ourselves. (you cubed)
- Narrowing the Achievement Gap With a Culture of Persistence in Math Education Week’s Learning Deeply blog - by Anne Simpson, K-1 teacher at Two Rivers Public Charter School, Washington, DC. In this March 2016 blog, organized by Harvard education professor Jal Mehta and Washington-based education writer Robert Rothman, students, teachers, administrators, researchers, and policymakers explore the practice and policy issues around expanding deeper learning (education week)
- Connecting Math to Real-World Tasks - This blog by Lily Jones (on Tchers’ Voice on May 20, 2016) discusses a new video series. Included is a three-phase lesson structure (adapted from Teaching Student-Centered Mathematics) that helps teachers make sure they are covering—and then internalizing—the parts of an effective and engaging real-world math lesson. (teachingchannel.org)
- Mathematics Instructional Practice Guide: Coaching Tool - This guide is designed for teachers, and those who support teachers, to build understanding and experience with Common Core State Standards (CCSS) aligned instruction. The module also includes a review of the three instructional Shifts in mathematics. Within the module, there are activities and discussions based on the Core Actions that will prepare participants to use the Instructional Practice Guide. (Student Achievement Partners for Achieve the Core)
- Common Core State Standards for Mathematical Practice—This website provides video examples of the standards for mathematical practice at different grade levels. (insidemathematics.org)
- Mentors of Mathematical Practice—This website features videos of teachers, in grades 3-12, engaging their students with multiple mathematical practices simultaneously. (insidemathematics.org)
- K-12 Teachers: Standards of Mathematical Practice with examples and illustrations (illustrativemathematics.org)
- K-12 Teachers: Standards of Mathematical Practice (California DOE, 6 video modules )
- K-12 Teachers: Blog focusing on the Standards of Mathematical Practice (Mathematical Practices Institute)
- Teaching Geometry According to the Common Core Standards Grades 4-12 (H. Wu c Hung-His Wu 2013)
- Woot Math is a personalized progression of lessons designed to build number sense and mastery of fractions. It adapts the content in real-time to meet needs of individual students. It includes an Interactive Problem Bank with thousands of standards-aligned problems and Adaptive Practice which provides hands-on modeling to build conceptual understanding. Teachers use Woot Math to fill gaps/intervention/remediation, stretch advanced students, and deepen conceptual understanding for whole class or small group instruction. (wootmath.com)
- Numberless Word Problems – “Help Kids Understand Math Problems: Take Away The Numbers and the Question!” provides a detailed scaffolded approach to presenting word problems that gets students thinking before they ever have numbers or a question to act on. This differentiated instructional strategy starts off in a nonthreatening way – with no numbers – and lets students slow down, notice and wonder, grapple with the relationships in problems, and plan a solution path before they ever have to solve anything.(teachingchannel.org)
- Math Vocabulary: Math Vocabulary Cards - Based on the work of Robert J. Marzano, Ph.D., Building Academic Vocabulary, ASCD, the Math Vocabulary Cards were to designed to provide visual aids, opportunities for students to create their own “kid-friendly” definitions and drawings, and a model of graphics and definitions for a classroom’s Math Word Wall. Multiple exposures can add to students’’ knowledge through suggested activities, games, writing and discussions using grade level vocabulary terms. Dual Immersion Cards are also provided in Spanish. (graniteschools.org)
- Gr. 3-5 Teachers: Fraction Progressions (Illustrative Mathematics, video -7 units)