Video Resources - Math
Video Libraries
- Khan Academy Common Core Math Standards Video Resource: Over 50,000 unique mathematical questions aligned to the Common Core for Grades K-12. (khanacademy.org)
- Accessing Kahn Academy in languages other than English (khanacademy.org)
- HippoCampus – is a free, core academic web site that delivers rich multimedia content–videos, animations, and simulations–on general education subjects to middle-school and high-school teachers.
- OpenEd in collaboration with The Smithsonian provides teachers with free videos and other resources to supplement classroom lessons.
- UPDATED Teaching Channel CCSS Video Library offers useful supports for implementing the Common Core State Standards. The site includes 256 videos that are useful for communications opportunities or professional learning and also includes many lesson plans for teachers that include videos of the CCSS instructional shifts in action. (teachingchannel.org)
- 40 Resources and Tools for Deeper Learning--Resources include a video series with supporting materials including rubrics, lesson plans, research, and strategy documents. (Teaching Channel)
Professional Development
- How you can be good at math, and other surprising facts about learning – This TEDx Talk (May 22, 2016) by Stanford mathematics education professor Jo Boaler, shares the brain research showing that with the right teaching and messages, we can all be good at math. Not only that, our brains operate differently when we believe in ourselves. (you cubed)
- iTunes U Courses, Created by Teachers for Teachers - These iTunes U courses were developed by a group of classroom teachers to explain the Shifts in ELA / Literacy and mathematics required by the Common Core. Presented in partnership with The Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO), they showcase a combination of materials from achievethecore.org as well as additional curated resources and interactive activities. These courses were designed to provide a robust self-learning opportunity for individual teachers and to offer high-quality, credible materials that can be used to support professional learning communities in schools. (achievethecore.org)
- Vimeo from EL Education: Grappling with New Concepts during a Common Core Math Workshop - The workshop model has been revised to align with the Common Core instructional shifts, embed ongoing assessment to increase responsiveness to student needs, and help students develop self-reliance and perseverance. The first component in this revised workshop (Workshop 2.0) asks students to “grapple” independently with a problem or task. The second component is a collaborative opportunity for students to be metacognitive about their own approaches, justify their mathematical reasoning, and consider others’ mathematical reasoning and thinking. (eleducation)
- Professional Development on Mathematics—a 45-minute professional development video on the shifts in the Common Core in mathematics (The Council of the Great City Schools)
- Professional Development: Introduction to the Math Shifts— a 1–4 hour module that provides you with an introduction to the key shifts required by the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics. (achievethecore.org)
- Professional Development: Deep Dive into the Math Shifts— a 1–3 hour module for those who are already familiar with the shifts required by the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics. (achievethecore.org)
- Professional Development: Introduction to the Publishers' Criteria for Mathematics—a 1.5 hour module designed to support learning about the instructional Shifts required by the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics (CCSSM) and how the Shifts are reflected in aligned instructional materials. (achievethecore.org)
- Illuminating Standards Video Series – What would it look like if standards were met with depth, and imagination? The Illuminating Standards Project, a collaborative project of Expeditionary Learning and the Harvard Graduate School of Education, showcases a video collection of long-term, interdisciplinary, arts-infused, community-connected projects illustrating how to make standards come alive in project-based learning. The videos could be used in a professional development setting to have staff examine the relationship between meeting the demands of state standards and the creation of powerful learning experiences for students. (centerforstudentwork.elschools.org)
- Common Core Video Exemplars: This site targets Common Core instructional practice for English Language Arts, History/Social Science, Mathematics, Science and Technology. The lessons have been reviewed and annotated using the Instructional Practice Guides which aligns with the Connecticut Core Standards Classroom “Look Fors” document. Each classroom video has student work samples, class materials and interviews from educators. Showing all or parts of the video could be useful in a professional development setting. (teachingthecore.org)
- Common Core Math Playlist: Engaging Students with “Productive Struggle” (Teaching Channel)
- Tchrs' Voice, a Teaching Channel blog - Tests Without Grades: Learning Moments - This blog showcases the value of students learning by mistakes. It also links directly to a 7 minute companion video, for Grades 6-12 Math, "Highlighting Mistakes: A Grading Policy" (teaching channel)
- Daily Assessment with Tiered Exit Cards (Grades 6-12 Math) - This videoshows an example of a tiered exit card and highlights the importance of immediate feedback and differentiated support to students. (Teaching Channel)
- PBS Video: Planning (Grades 9-12 Math)—In this video from Making the Case, teachers and math education experts illuminate how to plan classroom experiences that will promote argumentation and critique. (pbslearningmedia.org)
- Implementing and Assessing the Common Core Standards for Mathematical Practice Webinar Series (mpi.edc.org)
- NCSM Illustrating Mathematical Practices- These ready-to-use PD materials are designed to help teachers understand the Standards for Mathematical Practice and implement them in their classrooms. Each module supports a 1.5- to 3-hour session that focuses on one or two mathematical practices.
- Video Library-- These instructional videos support professional development. (engageny.org)