Meal Patterns for CACFP Child Care Programs


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Meals and snacks served to children in the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) must comply with the CACFP meal patterns. The CACFP meal patterns for children apply to: 

  • children ages 1-12; 
  • children through age 18 in at-risk afterschool care centers and emergency shelters; 
  • children of any age with disabilities; and 
  • children ages 15 and younger of migrant workers. 

For information on the meal patterns for infants (birth through 11 months), visit the CSDE's Feeding Infants in CACFP Child Care Programs webpage.

CACFP Meal Patterns for Children  |   Meal Pattern Guidance  |   CACFP Meal Pattern Updates

CACFP Meal Patterns for Children

Meal Pattern Guidance

CACFP Meal Pattern Updates

On April 25, 2024, the USDA published the final rule, Child Nutrition Programs: Meal Patterns Consistent with the 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans (89 FR 31962). This final rule implements gradual updates to the Child Nutrition Programs in several key areas, including the CACFP meal patterns. Some menu planning flexibilities are effective July 1, 2024. Changes to CACFP menus are not required until program year 2025-26 (beginning October 1, 2025). For more information, visit the "CACFP Meal Pattern Updates" section of the CSDE's CACFP webpage.