CACFP | Program Guidance | Forms | Operational Memos | Resources
The U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) provides cash assistance for nutritious meals and snacks served to infants and children in public or private nonresidential licensed child care centers, including emergency shelters and at-risk afterschool care programs. The CACFP serves children ages 12 and younger, children (ages 15 and younger) of migrant workers, and children of any age with disabilities. Reimbursement is based on the income level of children in care. Cash assistance is available for up to two meals and one snack, or one meal and two snacks daily for each child. All meals and snacks must meet the requirements of the CACFP meal patterns for children and infants.
CACFP Guidance
- Child Care Nutrition and Physical Activity Policies (CSDE webpage)
- Claim Submission Schedule for Child Nutrition Programs (CSDE webpage)
- Income Guidelines for Child Nutrition Programs (CSDE webpage)
- Infants
- Feeding Infants in the CACFP (CSDE webpage)
- Meal Patterns for Infants (CSDE)
- Meal Patterns for CACFP Child Care Programs (CSDE webpage)
- Online Application and Claiming System for Connecticut Child Nutrition Programs (CNP System) (CSDE webpage)
- Operational Memos for the CACFP (CSDE webpage)
- Program Guidance for CACFP Child Care Programs (CSDE webpage)
- Reimbursement Rates for Child Nutrition Programs (CSDE webpage)
Nutrition Policies and Guidance
- Crediting Documentation for the Child Nutrition Programs (CSDE webpage)
- Crediting Foods in CACFP Child Care Programs (CSDE webpage)
- Feeding Infants in CACFP Child Care Programs (CSDE webpage)
- Food Safety for Child Nutrition Programs (CSDE webpage)
- Meal Patterns for CACFP Child Care Programs (CSDE webpage)
- Special Diets in CACFP Child Care Programs (CSDE webpage)
Nondiscrimination Statements (USDA and CSDE)