PURA Seeks RFPs to Retain a Clean Energy Ombudsperson

RFP #: 2023-08

Title: Request for Proposals to Retain a Clean Energy Ombudsperson

Summary: This Request for Proposal (RFP) seeks proposals from qualified consulting firms to serve as the ombudsperson for the Residential Renewable Energy Solutions (RRES), Non-Residential Renewable Energy Solutions (NRES), and Shared Clean Energy Facilities (SCEF) Programs, with the express functions of: (1) mediating disputes; (2) resolving program questions that result from a dispute; and (3) reviewing and approving extension requests beyond program inservice time period requirements.

The schedule for this RFP is as follows:

 Release Date 12/07/2023
 Pre-Proposal Conference

Notice of Intent to Bid 12/20/2023
Deadline for Questions 12/22/2023
 RFP Clarifications/Amendments

(Responses to Clarifying Questions)
Supplemental Deadline for Questions 2/16/24
 Supplemental RFP Clarifications/Amendments

(Responses to Clarifying Questions)
 Proposal Due Date Extension  3/1/24 at 11:59 p.m.

To facilitate communications, respondents are encouraged to submit a Notice of Intent to Bid by email to PURA.RFP@ct.gov no later than 4:00 p.m. on December 20, 2023. The subject line of the email should reference “RFP #2023-08, REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS TO SERVE AS OMBUDSPERSON”.

The email should provide the name and address of the respondent firm, as well as a contact person’s name, email address, and telephone number. Documents pertaining to the RFP will be emailed to respondents who have submitted notices; however, documents will also be posted on PURA’s webpage located at https://portal.ct.gov/pura/docket/request-for-proposals, and respondents are responsible for checking the webpage for current materials.