Starting in May, electric and gas utilities began notifying residential customers with unpaid and/or past-due balances that if they do not take action and contact their utility to enroll in a payment plan, they are at risk of having their services terminated. If your household has received a notification from your utility company, please contact them directly to set up a payment plan to keep your services on. These plans charge no interest, and all customers qualify at least once for one or more of these plans. After engaging with utility providers, customers may also contact PURA’s customer affairs unit for specific questions regarding payment arrangements. View eligibility, utility contact information:

Press Releases

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Gov. Malloy Signs Millstone Bill and Encourages Dominion's Participation

Governor Dannel P. Malloy today announced that he has signed Senate Bill 1501, An Act Concerning Zero Carbon Procurement, which was approved last week by the Connecticut General Assembly.
“I sign this legislation with the hope that Dominion will work in partnership with DEEP and PURA to provide the necessary information to complete an accurate assessment of Millstone,” Governor Malloy said. “The importance of this asset to both the state and the region cannot be overstated. If we are to realize the goals set out by this legislation, there is more work to be done.
“This morning, the Commissioners of the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection and the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority sent me a letter with preliminary results regarding the economic viability of Millstone. The letter states, ‘Absent Dominion’s cooperation in providing full disclosure of the requested detailed financial information, the LAI analysis shows that Millstone is expected to be highly profitable through 2035, the expiration of the license of Unit 2. As such, there is unlikely to be a basis upon which to conclude at this time that Dominion requires electric ratepayers to provide financial support outside the regional market in order for Millstone to continue operating profitably.’
“The state needs significantly more engagement from Dominion as other nuclear facility owners have engaged under similar circumstances in other states. I look forward to continuing this conversation and to increased cooperation from the party seeking assistance.”